“Fire On High” is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters and settings © Tigermark 2003-2006 unless otherwise noted. Request permission before using them, please.

The characters of Anatol Altaisokova and Melinda Altaisokova are my names for characters © Max Blackrabbit. They appear in this story with his permission. The characters of Brandy, Maxwell, Tonya and Zig Zag are also © Max Blackrabbit and appear here with his permission. Events and information relating to Tonya, Anatol, and their family are presented here, but are not to be considered canon to those characters or any other story but this one. ZZ Studios, James Sheppard, and Marvin Badger © James Bruner and appear here with his permission. Although characters from and events referring to Zig Zag the Story appear here, this story is not canon to that one, and the author will disavow any knowledge of this story. Matt Barstock and Intermountain Charter, The Bitch, and her crew © Silver Coyote. See their story HERE.  Gail Rutherford © me and is not canon to any other story involving ZZ Studios.

Chapter 33

 Parting Company

(For Now)

Zig Zag and Alex headed for ZZ Studios at around 9AM the next morning. They had spent a pleasant, but brief time the previous evening talking about their businesses and about Alex’s military career. He had eventually fallen asleep on the couch, only to be startled awake by Zig Zag tapping his shoulder and telling him to go to bed. He’d awakened early, as he usually did, and had a light breakfast of toast and fruit ready for them both from what he found in her kitchen by the time Zig Zag emerged from her bedroom fully dressed for the day. She arched her eyebrow and sighed.

“I should’ve known you’d be the gentlefur. Between you and James I’m going to end up so spoiled I’ll forget how to feed myself.”

Alex smiled as he stood up from the kitchen table. “Well, I’m an early riser, so I thought I’d say thank you for the place to stay. I, um, take it James has made you breakfast before?”

Zig Zag smiled at him crookedly, but didn’t say anything in answer. Alex blushed a little as he realized he’d been a bit too curious for his own good. It was not his business, and besides, the two seemed very happy together. Zig Zag sat down and restarted the conversation as Alex retook his seat.

“I can see you being an early riser. I suppose that goes with a military career.”

“Oh yes,” Alex replied. “The Dawn Patrol mentality is alive and well in the Air Force, plus if you have to go very far, it can take most of a day to travel, even in an Eagle.”

Zig Zag looked at him quizzically. “I thought those were, ah, what’s the term? Supersonic?”

Alex nodded as he buttered a slice of toast. “Yes, but that takes so much fuel we can only maintain it for a few minutes. Plus, the FAA has a rule about not crossing the sound barrier over the U.S. It upsets folks when the boom breaks windows and such.”

Zig Zag nodded in understanding. By then they were both finished eating. Alex stood and cleared the table, putting a cover on the fruit and putting it in the refrigerator, and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Zig Zag watched, bemused to have a male acting this way without anything but family and friendship between them. She decided she liked it. She stood and stretched, smiling at him again.

“You’ll make someone a great mate one day.”

“I hope to. Just got to find the right one, as I said.”

Zig Zag glanced at her watch. “Ah, how early is your first appointment?”

“Oh nine thirty, why?” Alex looked at his watch and started. “Looks like we’d best get going.”

“I’m ready, let me get my keys.”

Zig Zag picked up her keys and her purse as Alex retrieved his overnight bag. They went to the garage and Zig Zag opened the door and went to the sedan parked on the right. As they loaded his things into her car, Alex looked over the tiger-striped Viper sitting in the garage beside the Lexus she’d driven the previous night.

“Nice car,” he noted.

“Yeah, I just mostly have it for publicity pics now. The Lexus is what I drive every day.”

They got in and Zig Zag drove through the morning Columbus traffic to the studio. Once there she pulled into her normal parking spot. It may have been late for Alex, but it was still early by studio time. Alex got out of the car and went to his rental. He put his things inside and turned to find that Zig Zag had followed him.

    “Well cousin, is this goodbye for now or will I see you again before you head home?”

    Alex thought a moment.  “I can meet you for lunch around Thirteen hundred, er, one o’clock, if I can be at the airport by two-thirty. I always try to supervise the servicing and fueling of my plane. Never hurts to double check behind a strange ground crew.”

    Zig Zag nodded, unsure of what all that entailed. “If we meet at one, you shouldn’t have any problems getting to the airport by two-thirty. We can go to down to Furry’s, it’s not far from here.”

    “Fine,” Alex said as he got into the driver’s seat of his car, “See you at one.”

With that, he started the car and left the parking lot. Zig Zag watched the car disappear into traffic. She smiled to herself, thinking it was nice to have a relative who didn’t seem to want anything from her other than her friendship. She had no doubt after the previous evening that the tiger was someone she could count on, instead of just being another one counting on her. She then turned and went into the studio, her mind shifting to the day’s business.

                                           #                                                                      #                                                                      #

Jeremy stretched and yawned as only a canid could. He’d been at his desk since just before eight, and he was considering taking a walk out to the lobby and greeting everyone as they arrived for work at nine. Just as he made to stand up, there was a knock on his door.

“Come in,” he said pleasantly.

The door opened and Jenna O’Whitt stepped in. Jeremy started to smile, but it quickly faded as he took in her expression. A very determined and slightly angry scowl marked her visage.

“Jeremy, I need to talk to you.”

“Sure Jenna, you know my door’s open anytime. What’s up?” Jeremy maintained a pleasant tone, wondering what was upsetting the tigress so.

Without preamble, Jenna launched into what she had to say. “What happened to the photos Ron took of me for the Sunburst ad campaign?”

Jeremy shrugged. “They were on film. The negatives are stored here in case we need them. After they were digitized, they were stored on disc with the files so we can reproduce the ads as needed.”

“Did Ron keep any copies for himself?”

Jeremy blinked and thought a second. “We can ask him.” He picked up the phone and punched in a few numbers. After Ron answered and Jeremy asked the question, there followed several “un-huh’s” and “yea’s” and then Jeremy finished the call.

“Okay, thanks Ron, that’s all I needed.”

He put the pawset down and looked at Jenna neutrally. “Ron does have a copy of the negatives, in case he ever needs them for a portfolio or proof that he took them, but he wouldn’t do anything with them without your written permission. Now what’s up, anyway?”

Jenna’s expression didn’t change. “Have you ever heard of Furfemme Magazine?”

Jeremy was startled. He, as with most males, had heard of the raunchy fur mag, but he was very surprised to hear Jenna mention it.

“Yes,” he replied cautiously.

Jenna regarded her employer for several seconds before she spoke again.

“Jack, my boyfriend, told me that one of his workers said that Furfemme was advertising a pictorial for the upcoming month’s issue. It is to feature Miss Sunburst.”

Jeremy’s eyes went wide. He nearly choked, and he wasn’t even drinking any coffee at that moment. Then his eyes narrowed and his expression grew angry. Jenna didn’t move, nor did her expression change, but in her mind she wondered if she’d just kissed her job goodbye. She needn’t have worried.

“Jenna, I know you wouldn’t kid or lie about this. Thank you for asking first and not jumping the gun. I assure you that no one here has anything to do with that magazine. Let me give the folks at Sunburst a call and see if we can find out what’s going on.”

Jenna nodded; her expression easing into a neutral feline stare as Jeremy again picked up the pawset and punched in numbers. After a moment, Jenna could hear the ring tone as he waited for an answer. She then heard the tinny voice on the other end answer, but she couldn’t make out the words as Jeremy began to speak.

“Hi Stacy, it’s Jeremy at Bluegrass Advertising, I need to speak to Bill . . . Thanks.”

After a short pause, he continued. “Hello Bill, Jeremy here . . . Ah, you heard about it, too? . . . Yeah . . . Yes, she is . . . No, she isn’t . . . No, she didn’t . . . No, they did not come from us, nor our photographer . . . I see . . . Well, why haven’t you called us before now? . . . I see . . . Well, now you know, so keep us informed  . . . Yeah . . . Thanks Bill, bye.”

Jeremy put the pawset down and met Jenna’s gaze. “That was Bill Meredith, CEO at Sunburst Fur Products. They know about the proposed pictorial. They’ve filed a lawsuit to stop it, based on them not giving permission to use their name in the pictorial. They hadn’t contacted us on advice of counsel, in case we’d given Furfemme the pictures. I’m going to contact our lawyers and see what we need to be doing to stop this thing and protect you. It may come down to you having to testify to the fact that you are Miss Sunburst and that you didn’t pose for the pictorial.”

Jenna’s expression didn’t change. “I understand.”

“Good, but you may not like what I want you to do now.”

The only change was Jenna’s arched eyebrow, so Jeremy went on. “I want you to go home, and stay away from here until this is resolved. I’ll pay you your usual salary, and we’ll call it a paid leave of absence. Before you go off on me, listen. Once the controversy and lawsuit hit the news, there’ll be paparazzi galore staking out this place, trying to get a picture of Miss Sunburst. Until and unless you are needed to testify, I and everyone here will do our utmost to maintain your anonymity.”

Jenna had indeed been ready to protest, but after hearing Jeremy’s reasoning, she had to agree. She stood and offered Jeremy her paw, catching the canid so off-guard that he nearly fell out of his chair. He recovered and took her paw.

“Thank you Jeremy. I’m very relieved that no one here had anything to with this. Call me when you want me to be back in.”

She turned to leave, but Jeremy spoke again. “Jenna, it is quite possible, as slow as the legal system can be, that the pictorial will be out before we can stop it. Please prepare yourself for that, as much as you can. We’ll do our best for you here.”

Jenna looked over her shoulder at him, and for the first time since she’d walked in, smiled. “Thank you Jeremy.”

She then walked out the door as Jeremy picked up the phone once more, his earlier good mood now gone. As he punched the numbers, he growled to himself.

“Time for Andy to earn that retainer!”

                                           #                                                                      #                                                                      #

    Alex noted the time on his watch as he pulled into the ZZ Studios lot. 1305. He was running slightly late. At his last appointment, the raccoon there had rambled on and on about his days in the Army after finding out Alex was a veteran also.

    “Ah well,” Alex sighed to himself, “comes with the job.” At least it had been a productive trip. Aside from completing his task and getting reacquainted with his cousin, Alex had two signed contracts in his briefcase, as well as two more call-backs. He also had the possibility of ZZ Studios’ business, so the three absolute no’s didn’t bother him any.

    Finding a spot, Alex parked and got out. He walked up to the entrance, opened the door and stepped inside.

    Only to be taken completely aback by the large crowd of furs in the lobby. What appeared to be everyone in the building was gathered there. Alex stopped dead in his tracks. He noticed Gail Rutherford at her desk. The collie looked embarrassed. He did not see Zig Zag or Marvin in the assemblage. They were gathered in small groups, trying to look as though they had just wandered in and started talking together. Alex noted that some had on barely gathered robes, including the mongoose he’d seen upon his arrival the day before. It looked as though she had hurried in from taping a scene. Some of the rest were production crew and not actors from the way they were dressed. All were looking curiously in his direction.

    Alex took in all the eyes looking his way. “Well, I feel like I should bow or make a speech or something.”

   The group quickly averted their eyes and began to move toward the door back into the rest of the building. The young vixen in the lead was just reaching for the door handle when it swung open and Zig Zag started into the lobby. Her mouth was open as if to say something, but she stopped upon seeing all the furs gathered there. She took in Alex’s curious expression.  Her face clouded over and she swore loudly. In an angry tone she asked, “What is all this!”

    She stepped into the lobby past the vixen, who was still standing transfixed with her paw extended toward the door.

   “I’m not paying you to hang around in the lobby! Get back to work!” Zig Zag shouted angrily.

    The vixen, startled into motion now, moved quickly out of the lobby, followed by the rest of the furs. Alex took note of the assemblage. There were males and femmes from quite an array of species. Wolves, including one Alex recognized as a maned wolf, several feline femmes including a lioness who rather boldly sidled against him on her way past, a back-footed ferret who seemed to be a male counterpart to the mongoose femme, a variety of fox vixens and todds in their various colors, skunks, rabbits, a squirrel, several other canids of both sexes, even a red panda.  A few mumbled, “Sorry, Zig Zag,” as they passed under her stern gaze.

   Walking over to the receptionist’s desk, Zig Zag asked, “Gail, what was that all about?”

    “I’m sorry, Zig Zag, and you too, Mr. O’Whitt,” the collie said, still looking embarrassed. “It’s just that everyone was curious about who this guy is.” She indicated Alex, who had walked up to the desk as well. “Word had got around about you, Mr. Sheppard and him walking out and leaving together yesterday.”

    Zig Zag turned to Alex. “I’m sorry, Alex. The furs here are usually better behaved than that.”

    “It’s all right, Zig Zag, and you too Ms. Rutherford. I’m just not used to being on display when I walk in somewhere.” Alex then smiled slightly at the sudden memory of how everyone would come to attention when he came in as a Squadron Commander to brief a mission. Maybe he was used to it, after all.

    “Well, I’m ready, let’s go,” said Zig Zag. “Oh, and Gail, if anyone asks, tell them to mind their own business.” Then she grinned wickedly. “And tell them they’d better leave my cousin alone!”

With that clue dropped, Zig Zag ushered Alex out the door, leaving the collie with an astonished look on her face.

                                      #                                                                       #                                                                      #   

Andrew was at his locker, getting out books to take home when Dan Westland practically ran up to him.

“Andrew, did you hear?”

“Bout what?” Andrew looked at his friend quizzically. With Dan, it could be anything from a new student to a new software program.

“Sal just got suspended.” The terrier’s voice carried all the dread of someone who thought such a thing was the worst possible occurrence.

Andrew blinked, and then gave a crooked grin. “Nice try Dan. Ya almost got me. We both know Sal is probably the most un-suspendable guy in school. He just doesn’t get into trouble.”

Dan fidgeted a little, but then set a steady gaze on the tiger. “I know, but you remember how upset Miss Willuns was last week after the mess with the virus and hacking on the computers?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, I heard that whoever did it used Miss Willuns’ access code to get into the system. Now, get this, when I was walking past the office, I heard Mr. Balnek the Vice-Principle talking about suspending Sal. I stopped and pretended to tie my shoe so I could hear more of what he was saying. He said they traced the computer that was used to hack the system and introduce the virus. He said it was the one at Sal’s house.”

The terrier looked about to say more, but just then the bell rang to dismiss the students who rode school buses. Before Andrew could say anything, Dan got caught up in the sudden throng and carried away down the hall and out the door. Andrew held where he was, using his locker door as a shield. He was too stunned by the information Dan had just delivered to move much, anyway. For his part, Dan waited a few minutes after reaching the outside for Andrew to come out, but had to quickly catch the bus he rode home.

Andrew waited for the crowd to clear out, and then headed for the office. He had to talk to someone about Sal, and tell them about the incident with Sal’s brother, Eddie. Andrew remembered exactly how he’d helped the older mongoose get in to set up a password on the school’s website. When he arrived, though, the office door was locked and a sign there read simply, “Gone to meeting, office will reopen at 7:00 AM tomorrow.” Andrew turned and headed out to meet his mother. Jenna always picked him up shortly after the rush of buses left.

As he stepped out the door, Andrew was surprised to find himself face to face with Eddie Idiri. Andrew’s hackles rose and he almost took a step backward. Eddie had been reaching for the door, but now he stepped up close, causing Andrew to feel a bit intimidated.

“Hey O’Whitt. Keep your muzzle shut and this will all blow over in a week. Say anything to anybody and I’ll pound both you and Sal the first chance I get.”

Eddie then turned and scurried to the corner, where he acted like he’d been standing a while. In a few seconds, Andrew recognized the Idiri’s van stopping for the mongoose. The last thing Andrew saw as the door slid closed behind Eddie was a glimpse of a very scared-looking Sal in the back seat. The van drove away, leaving Andrew suddenly very confused. His determination to tell the school officials what had happened wavered as he weighed the consequences for himself and Sal.

He saw his mother’s minivan pulling in the parking lot. As he went out to meet her, he decided not to tell her about the problem. She’d been edgy that morning over something to do with her job, so he’d decide on his own how to handle his problem.

“But which to do?” he asked himself just before he reached the curb.

                                      #                                                                       #                                                                     #

    Zig Zag pulled into the parking lot of the general aviation area of Port Columbus International Airport to drop Alex off. They had just left his rental car at the lot down the road.

    “I can’t believe they won’t pick up their rentals over here, it’s less than a mile away!” Alex was still scowling over the brusque manner of the rental agent.

    “How did you get there to pick it up?” Zig Zag asked, shaking her head and wondering how long that franchise would stay in business, since they seemed to have forgotten about the first rule of a service business. The customer always comes first.

    “The FBO here has a courtesy car, they gave me a lift.”

    Zig Zag pulled into a spot, and Alex got out and went to the trunk to retrieve his overnight and flight bags. His briefcase/laptop carrier he slung onto his shoulder. Zig Zag got out and met him at the back of the car.

    “Well, I’ve got to get ready to go and check on Stripes One. Hey, want to come and see her?” Alex asked enthusiastically.

    “Uh, what or who is Stripes One?” Zig Zag answered uncertainly. Alex almost laughed, but managed to keep it to a broad smile.

    “Stripes One is my airplane. She’s a refurbished T-38 Talon.” Alex then noticed the blank look on Zig Zag’s face. “An Air Force trainer. I think you’ll like her paint scheme.”

    Zig Zag shrugged. “OK, I don’t have to be back for a bit. I’d love to see — her?” She was happy to see Alex finally show some passion and enthusiasm about something.

    “Great! They have a pilot’s lounge inside, first door on the left. You can wait for me there while I get dressed and file my flight plan. Should take about 15 minutes, I have it already made out,” Alex said as they headed into the building.

    They entered and Zig Zag turned left into the empty pilot’s lounge. Alex watched her sit down and arrange her tail, and then begin thumbing through a magazine from the table. He turned and hurried up the hall, turning into the door marked “Locker room”. Once there, he quickly donned his flight suit and zipped his tail into its sheath. He stepped into his G-suit and zipped and tightened it, then put on his parachute harness. He left the ‘chute itself with his helmet in the flight gear bag. He would put it on after his preflight, as it restricted him from bending and crouching.

    Leaving the locker room, Alex turned and went to the service counter. He used the phone there to file his flight plan with Dayton FSS and get a check on the weather. Clear here in Columbus, but he might still have to dodge a stray thunderstorm in the Lexington area. He then spoke to the female terrier behind the counter.

    “Hello, I have myself, my gear, and a guest to go out to my aircraft; can we get a ramp cart to take us out?”

    The terrier smiled. “To the Zig Zag jet, right?”

    Alex grinned, for the first time really appreciating that line, which he’d heard several times in reference to Stripes One. “Yep, that’s the one.”

    “Max’s gonna love that!” the terrier said with a knowing grin as she turned toward the radio to call for the cart.

    Alex just smiled and turned to go retrieve his cousin.

    Zig Zag was just beginning to get bored with the aviation magazines’ airplane photos and abbreviations she couldn’t figure out when Alex reappeared wearing an olive drab flight suit and an array of other paraphernalia she couldn’t identify.

    “Ready to go?” she asked hopefully, placing the magazine back onto the table.

    “Yes, hope you didn’t get too bored.” Alex replied as he turned and led the way out past the service counter to the front of the building. A golf cart driven by a young rabbit with all black fur and small round glasses was waiting for them. He looked at Zig Zag and his jaw dropped.

    “Uh-M-Miss Zig Zag?” the rabbit said as he quickly stood, nearly falling out of the cart in the process.

    Zig Zag had seen that look before, and smoothly said, “Yes Honey, it’s me, only it’s just Zig Zag, okay?” She smiled sweetly and went around and sat on the passenger side of the cart. Alex put his gear on the back and lightly tapped the rabbit on the shoulder. Breaking out of his open-mouthed stare, the rabbit turned to look at Alex.

    Reading the name on the young fur’s shirt, Alex said with a grin, “Ah, Max, we can go now.”

    Max looked sheepish, then jumped into the driver’s seat of the cart and took off, barely giving Alex time to jump onto the rear-facing back seat beside his gear.

    As they headed up the ramp past the lines of parked aircraft, Max exclaimed, “I knew it, I knew it!”

   Zig Zag was just about to ask what he was talking about when they passed a large, twin-engine plane and she saw what the rabbit meant. Alex’s plane sat at the end of the line, its twin canopies glinting in the sun. The aircraft was painted a brilliant white with jet-black stripes in a tiger pattern. A large number 1 adorned the tail. She could now see the registration number, NC499ST1, on the bottom of the tail fin.

   Zig Zag turned sideways to look at Alex. “I can see a family resemblance.”

    “Hah! Yes, and she’s fun to fly and makes a great marketing tool, as well,” Alex replied. Zig Zag grinned a bit, thinking that some had described her the same way before.

    “You’ll have to let me borrow her sometime so I can have Mark take some publicity stills with the actors and, uh, Stripes One.” Zig Zag saw possibilities with the jet, her keen business sense kicking in.

    “Sure thing, just don’t let anyone get hurt on her or bend her,” Alex replied with a grin. “Hey, would you like to go for a ride sometime?”

    Zig Zag inwardly smiled at the look on Alex’s face as he spoke about flying. She’d seen a similar look on James’ face as he would speak of something good happening with his business. Not just excitement, but a love of and a joy in what he did. She wondered if she looked that way about her business sometimes. She was glad to see Alex loosen up a bit.

    Noticing that he was waiting for a reply, Zig Zag looked at the plane, then back to Alex. “Uh, no, thanks anyway. Flying and I don’t get along all that well.”

    “You sure?” Alex arched an eyebrow, still grinning. “It’s a lot of fun in one of these, and you can see forever out of the front seat. I can fly her from the back, too.”

    Zig Zag smiled a little, thoughtful, but resisted the temptation to pick up on the unintended double entedre’. “How ‘bout I take a raincheck?”

    “Sure, we’ll need to get you ejection seat and altitude chamber trained, anyway,” Alex said nonchalantly. Hearing this made Zig Zag even more sure she didn’t want to fly in the striped jet, at least not unless she had to. Still, if Alex was that excited about it, she just might give it a try sometime. For his part, Alex was partly teasing, anyway, since he wasn’t under the same constraints as if he were still flying for the military. He’d flown Tia and his father without either of them going through the training. All the FAA required was a good preflight safety briefing for anyone he wanted to take up for a flight.

   As they approached the plane, Alex noted that the mobile stairs had been put into place beside the aircraft. The trucks for the fuel and LOX could be seen heading on down the ramp to wherever they sat awaiting use. He would have to do a very thorough preflight, since he had missed being there to supervise the work. Max stopped the cart about ten feet from the bottom of the mobile stairs and Alex and Zig Zag stepped off. Alex carried his gear bag to the bottom of the stairs and set his other bags down there, too.

   Turning and walking back to Zig Zag, Alex asked, “Well, what do you think of her?”

   Zig Zag smiled warmly. “She’s quite beautiful.”

   “Must be the stripes, they run in the family,” Alex said, smiling broadly. Zig Zag’s smile also broadened at the inferred compliment.

    Alex suddenly had a thought. “Hey, uh, Max? Can you take a picture of us?” He produced a small digital camera from the pocket of his flight suit. “Is that all right, Zig Zag?” Alex asked as he moved to hand the rabbit the camera.

    “Sure, I’m used to it,” Zig Zag replied. “Just don’t use it commercially without my consent.” She winked at Alex, who grinned again in reply.

    Max took the camera from Alex and moved to position himself to take the picture. Alex walked back to the base of the stairs in front of his aircraft and indicated for Zig Zag to join him. She sidled past him and stepped onto the last step on the stairs. This brought her about even with him.  Alex then watched the most amazing transformation he had ever seen. Zig Zag carefully positioned her tail so that its stripes and those of the aircraft complimented each other. She raised her right paw and placed it sensuously on the side of the plane above her head. She then turned slightly to the right and arched her back enough to emphasize her ample bosom. Her left leg bent at the knee and came up and across Alex’s waist, causing her skirt to all but disappear. Gone was the look of the competent businessfur, replaced by an expression of pure, raw sex appeal.

    Max nearly dropped the camera.

    Alex arched an eyebrow and closed his muzzle, which had dropped open. “Uh, cousin, I had more of a family picture in mind?”

    Zig Zag stopped and the realization hit her. What was she doing!

    “Sorry,” she said sheepishly. “Old habits die hard.”

    Zig Zag lowered her leg and smoothed down her skirt, but her tail and right arm remained in place. She toned down her expression to a friendly smile.

    “How’s that?” Zig Zag asked, mildly amused now.

    Alex shook his head, grinning. “That’s amazing.”

    “Lots of practice, cousin,” Zig Zag grinned in reply.

Max took three shots, and Alex and Zig Zag then came over to him to review them. Finding them satisfactory, Alex returned the camera to his pocket. His attention began to turn towards his plane and the coming flight.

He looked at Zig Zag and said, “Zig Zag, it’ll take me about 15 minutes to get my preflight done and be ready to take off. Max can take you back to your car. It’s been a pleasure meeting you. I’ll be in touch within the next two weeks.”

    “Better yet,” Zig Zag replied, “I’ll call you in a few days after my accountant double checks your sales info. Also, please call me Zig if you want to. It has been a real pleasure meeting you, too, Alex.”

     Zig Zag started to turn back toward the golf cart when she found herself wrapped up in a strong embrace. She stiffened, but then relaxed as she realized who it was. Alex gave her a tight, strong, brotherly hug, which she returned after a moment.

    Releasing her, Alex looked earnestly into her eyes and said, “The pleasure was all mine, my cousin. Call me anytime you need me.” He emphasized these words, leaving no doubt on Zig Zag’s part that he meant them.

    “Or just to talk,” Alex finished, and with a wink and a wave, he turned to start his preflight checks.

    Zig Zag returned to the golf cart, and Max hopped into the driver’s seat. They started back the way they had come just as another cart arrived with another line fur.

    “Joel,” Max said, indicating the arriving fur with a flick of his thumb “will help Mr. O’Whitt strap in and pull the chocks in front of the wheels when he’s ready to go.”

    Zig Zag only nodded as they drove back up the line of parked planes, then out a side gate into the parking lot. Max pulled the cart up next to the car Zig Zag pointed to. She got out and turned back to thank the rabbit, but he spoke first.

    “He’ll be taking off from there.” Max pointed to the end of the runway, just visible between the buildings.

    “Thank you, Max, for everything. Hey, got your address handy? I’ll send you an autographed still from the studio,” Zig Zag said as she unlocked her car.

    “Wow! Sure! Ah, here it is.” The rabbit fished into his pocket and handed her a card with his name, phone number, and address on it. “I had a few made up for dates,” Max said in answer to Zig Zag’s inquiring look.

    “Fine, I’ll mail it out in a day or so,” Zig Zag said with a smile, “Thank you again.”

    “You’re welcome, ma’am. Enjoy the takeoff, I think Mr. O’Whitt is gonna really show off for you,” Max replied as he mounted the golf cart and drove off.

Zig Zag smiled to herself, slightly taken aback. She hadn’t really planned to stay to watch Alex take off, but now she would. As to Alex showing off, Zig Zag was thinking that he had already done that, quite well.

#                                                           #                                                         #

   Alex had completed his preflight and retrieved his helmet and parachute before stowing his things in the center pylon pod under the aircraft. He climbed into the cockpit of Stripes One and carefully placed his tail in its cradle in the back of his seat. Joel, a marten slightly older than Max had been, expertly helped Alex with his straps and comm and O2 connections. Finishing, Joel tapped Alex on top of the helmet.

    “There you go, Mr. O’Whitt, all set!”

    “Thanks, Joel. Very good work. You ex-military?” Alex asked as he strapped the kneeboard with his flight plan and info onto his leg.

     “Yessir, four years in the Air Force, just got out last year,” Joel replied. “Have a good flight!”

    With that he hurried down and pulled the stairs away and quickly walked to a spot about fifteen feet in front of the plane. Alex just grinned. Some folks talked, and others moved. He dialed a radio to the ATIS frequency and jotted down information Foxtrot on his kneeboard. He then set his radios for the ground, tower, and departure frequencies and keyed up on the one set for ground.

    “Good afternoon, Columbus Ground, this is November Charlie Four Niner Niner Sierra Tango, a T-38 on the General Av ramp, requesting clearance for engine start with information Foxtrot,” Alex stated into the mike in his mask. The One suffix on his tail he would only used when flying air shows with Billy.

     “Nine Sierra Tango, Columbus Ground. Good Afternoon. You are cleared for engine start, advise when ready to taxi,” the smooth voice of the ground controller replied in Alex’s helmet earphones.

   Alex waved to Joel, who held up his paws and made a circular motion with his right index finger, indicating Alex should start his left engine. Alex was glad once again that part of his upgrades to the aircraft included engines with self-start capability. He would’ve had to wait on a starting cart otherwise. He pushed the starter switch on the panel and watched the RPM build, then cracked the throttle and watched as the EGT rose and the engine came to life and spooled up. The procedure was repeated for the other engine, and Alex gave the thumbs out on either side of the cockpit to indicate for Joel to pull the chock out from in front of the wheels. The marten grabbed the nosewheel chocks and then the mains and ran with them over to the golf cart. He then turned and snapped a quick salute to Alex and jumped in the cart and sped off.

    Alex returned the salute and keyed the radio again. “Columbus Ground, Niner Sierra Tango is ready to taxi to depart runway two eight left.”

    “Nine Sierra Tango, proceed with taxi, hold short of runway two eight left. Contact Columbus Tower on one three two point seven, good day.”

    “Niner Sierra Tango copies hold short of runway two eight left. Will contact Tower on one three two point seven. Thank you,” Alex replied as he added power and maneuvered Stripes One toward the taxiway. He rolled down and stopped at the hold markers at the end of runway two eight left.

     Over 10,000’ of runway stretched out before him. Alex did a scan of the area around the airport, and found no traffic that he could see. He clicked over to the radio with the tower frequency on it and keyed the mic with the PTT on the stick.

    “Columbus Tower,” Alex called and repeated his aircraft numbers, “ holding short of two eight left. Ready for takeoff with Foxtrot. Ah, are you guys very busy?”

    “Nine Sierra Tango, Columbus Tower, no, it’s quiet now, no traffic in the pattern or inbound, why?” the tower controller said in what sounded like a hopeful voice.

    “Columbus Tower, Niner Sierra Tango, request takeoff into a short left pattern followed by a flyby down the runway, then into an unlimited climbout to FL180.”

    Several seconds went by as the controller digested this and conferred with departure control by phone. Alex took the opportunity to lower his canopy, then reached up with his left paw and pulled it shut while pushing the locking lever on the sidewall forward to lock it in place.

    “Nine Sierra Tango, Columbus Tower. Maneuver approved. Squawk one six one three and contact Columbus Departure on one one nine point one five. You are cleared for takeoff. Put on a good show for her!” the tower controller’s voice sounded in Alex’s ears.

    “Things don’t stay quiet around Zig Zag for long, do they?” Alex thought.

    “Columbus Tower, Niner Sierra Tango, rolling onto two eight left. Copy maneuver approved. She’s my cousin,” Alex said as he let the brakes off and fed in power. Stripes One rolled onto the end of the runway. Alex lined up the nose with the centerline and put on the brakes. He then pumped them a couple of times and stood on them. He advanced the throttle to full military power and the jet began to rock on her gear as the thrust built.

    “Niner Sierra Tango Rolling,” Alex called as he released the brakes. Stripes One began to roll down the runway. Alex pushed the throttles past the detent into afterburner, and was greeted by the usual dual pop and a push back into his seat as the jet rapidly accelerated. His speed built quickly, and as he reached takeoff velocity he eased the stick back enough to bring Stripes One a few feet off the runway. Alex reached up and pushed the wheel-shaped landing gear lever up. The gear came up and the jet accelerated even faster.

     Alex reached five hundred feet and the end of the runway almost simultaneously. He banked left and pulled the throttles back out of afterburner. He made a quick circuit of the airport, and then lined up with the runway again. Dropping down to fifty feet, he continued to accelerate to 300kts, the speed limit for T-38’s below eighteen thousand feet. As he screamed along the runway, Alex caught a quick glimpse of Zig Zag standing beside her car, muzzle open in awe.

    Reaching the end of the runway again, Alex pulled the stick back and Stripes One rocketed skyward. He executed a quick aileron roll and called Columbus Departure with his status and intentions. Soon Columbus Airport was left far below.

   In a bit less than thirty seconds, Stripes One reached FL180. Alex leveled out and dialed in the frequency for Indianapolis Center. After contact he was assigned to FL270 and advised of the traffic as he headed south toward home. As he trimmed the aircraft for cruise, Alex thought, “Well, it’s going to be very interesting being related to Zig Zag.”

End of Chapter 33

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