For A Season


Legal Notice: This story is Copyright © 2007 by Tigermark. This story may not be sold or used for commercial profit in any way, shape, form or fashion. This story may not be modified in any way. This story may not be posted on a mirror site or any other Internet site without the written permission of the author. This story may not be distributed on print, magnetic, electrical or optical mediums or any other mediums yet to be discovered. Characters are not to be used without obtaining author’s permission. This story is a fan fiction of Joe Martelle’s Open Season, and Chuck Percy’s Change of Season, and every attempt is made for it, with the authors’ permission, to be canon to those stories and the Coonaverse. 

Rick Coona, Kelso (Kel) Amanda Vixxen Ujinkhan, Max Badger, Kath Badger, Kacy Kelso Coona, Richard Randolph Coona, Gwen Smith (Harcort-Smythe) Coona, Jo-Ann Procyon, Dr. Charles Procyon, and Mike Ferretti are Copyright Joe Martelle. 

Kassir Ujinkhan, Lynne Smyth, Richard Kassir Charles Procyon and Kelso Gwenwyfar Procyon  © Chuck Percy 

Tigermark M’Rega © his player. Tammy Lynx (TL), Rachel, and Brianna M’Rega © Tigermark. Aslaug Larsdater and Aramis Dagaz © their players. Joe Latrans © Silver Coyote. Tani the kitsuné angel, The Amigos, and the Scruffy Squad © the ALN writing team. 

All other characters not credited here were created for this story and are © Tigermark 

Any resemblance to persons furry, non furry living, dead or undead is purely coincidental.

Friends and Enemies

Gwen sat up out of a sound sleep. Beside her, her husband Rick Coona sat up also. It took them only a second to realize what had awakened them. It “sounded” like every ward they had on their home was going off at once. The expression on each of their faces told the other that something was very, very wrong. Rick was on his feet in a moment, with Gwen not far behind. He grabbed the pump shotgun he kept hidden behind the headboard of the bed as Gwen began to gather the energy she would need to form a Levin bolt. Whatever had set off the wards had either avoided the traps that went with them or had somehow caused them to fail. Neither was a welcome prospect. That would mean a very powerful magic-user had both found their home despite how well the Syntheria shields hid it, and had walked in safely and unbidden.

As they carefully entered the hallway, they were waved to silence by Kass. The snow leopard was standing in a combat crouch, his pistol in paw. Jo-Ann was at the other side of the hall, also armed and in a crouch.  Kel was right behind them, with her own weapon held ready. All three were looking and listening intently in the direction of the living room. Nothing but silence met their ears. The group as one nearly jumped out of their fur as the bedroom door to their right popped open. Lynne let out a slight squeak as she briefly found herself staring down the wrong end of Kass’ Para. He quickly pointed the weapon back down the hallway when he realized who had opened the door. As the others tried to get their heart-rates back down to normal, Kass motioned for Lynne to be quiet and follow them. 

As one the family of furs moved silently down the hallway. When they reached the open doorway into the living room, Kass motioned for Rick to move on to the other side of the opening. Gwen followed him, while Kel and Jo-Ann stayed with Kass. Calling her close to him, Kass spoke in a low voice for Lynne to go to the light controls on the wall beyond Rick and Gwen’s position and turn them on when he signaled. He didn’t whisper, as whispers carried farther because they had to be louder to be understood. Kass could feel the presence of someone in the living room, so he was certain that was where their intruder was. 

Once everyone was in position, Kass prepared to confront whoever was in the house. He signaled the others with a countdown from three, his fingers held up and barely visible in the dark house. At the go signal Kass and Rick slipped into the room. Kel and Jo-Ann covered them from the hallway as Gwen swept into the room after them; her eyes squinted to slits so their glow of power wouldn’t give her away. Lynn moved to the light switches on the wall past the door to the den. 

They all detected the presence of ... someone in the room. They heard a voice mutter something too low to understand, but they couldn’t see anyone there. Uncertain what to make of this, Kass clicked his safety off, quickly followed by the others, and Rick jacked a round into the shotgun. Gwen formed an energy bolt in her paws and held it ready to cast. 

Kass and Rick swept the room over the sights of their weapons. Their eyes were accustomed to the darkness of the room, but they still hadn’t seen anything when Lynne let out a gasp. They looked back and followed her wide-eyed gaze to the ceiling. There, a large white tiger was sitting with its paws extending toward the floor. All weapons were quickly brought up to cover the intruder. “Lynne, Lights!” Kass called out. The lights came on. All were a bit unnerved by the fact that the tiger was sitting with its back to them upside down on the ceiling, and it was also as naked as they were. The home may have been clothing-optional, but guests were by invitation only. Kass found his voice first. 

“Alright you, I don’t know how you’re doing that, as I can detect no magic in use, but come down here and explain yourself.” 

# # # 

Tigermark held as still as possible. He knew at least one magic-user, as well as several armed furs, were behind him with weapons drawn and most likely aimed. Unless this was the normal way of greeting guests in this world, he was in a situation he and his team found themselves in far too often. Outgunned, at a distinct disadvantage, and surrounded by furs who were hostile because of the abrupt entrance. The added twist of being inverted and sitting stark naked on the ceiling was surely the paw of Tani at work. The kitsuné might work for their Boss now, but she was still a mischievous fox-spirit at heart, and she was renowned for practical jokes at their expense. There was a call for the lights, and TM began to feel very much under close scrutiny when they came on a second later. 

“Alright you, I don’t know how you’re doing that, as I can detect no magic in use, but come down here and explain yourself,” a strong male voice said to him from the same direction as the clicks of the safeties had come.

Tigermark shrugged. “I would love to, but I’m afraid I can’t at the moment. This isn’t my doing.” 

There was a sudden burst of feminine laughter, and then a voice coming from what seemed like everywhere. Tigermark instantly recognized Tani, sounding full of mischief. 

“Oops! Sorry TM. Forgot to reset the gravity. Here you go.” 

Tigermark felt his stomach lurch as his up suddenly became down. He managed to rotate in mid-air and land on his feet like a proper feline. He dropped to one knee and kept his arms raised. The flip had placed him facing the armed party. He just managed not to blink or gasp in surprise. The furs confronting him were also all naked, and their scent and rumpled fur said that at least some of them had recently been in the throes of passion. All the weapons were pointing his way, and the skunk femme with the glowing eyes seemed ready to launch a Levin bolt at him, as well. The lean, muscular snow leopard appeared to reach a decision and stood up out of his combat crouch, put the safety on his weapon, and pointed it in a neutral upward direction. The others quickly followed suit, and the skunk femme seemed to dissipate the bolt in her paws. Her eyes still glowed with power, but she seemed to relax a bit.

“Welcome, Paladin. Quite an entrance.” The snow leopard’s voice was quiet, but very strong and self-assured. A voice used to giving commands and having them be obeyed without delay, but not harsh or overbearing. There was a calm and disciplined confidence in the voice, and in the eyes and face that went with it.

“About par for the course,” Tigermark replied with a slight smirk as he lowered his paws. Tani would definitely hear from him about this later. “You move well, and function well as a team. You, feline sir, are the Protector?”

Kass arched an eyebrow and nodded slowly. “Yes.”

Gwen, Rick, and the others were still wary, but mild surprise showed in their faces, along with a great deal of caution. Tigermark surmised that magic-users here, as in many worlds, were regarded with great suspicion. He decided to go for broke and use the information Tani had given him. He started off with the skunkette with the glowing eyes. Giving a half-nod of his head, he addressed the femme.

“You can let the eyes go too, dear lady. You are Sorceress, yes?”

Gwen started and the glow faded from her eyes as she grounded that bit of energy. Others had been awed and humbled by those glowing eyes and powerful presence, but this tiger acted as though it was something he saw every day.

“Yes,” she replied. “Gwen Coona,”

“I am Tigermark M’Rega. I suppose Paladin is close enough for now. Pleased to meet you, Gwen. You are, hmmm, Alchemist or Wizard?” Tigermark went on, addressing Rick.

“Wizard. Rick Coona,” Rick replied, moving closer to his wife and resting the butt of the shotgun on his hip.

Tigermark then turned his attention to the other raccoon in the bunch. He perceived that she was more a student of how to use her abilities, but her stance and how she held the weapon in her paws told him her true profession.

“And you, my lady. You are a student with your abilities. How long have you been with the police force?”

“Wha? Is it that obvious I’m a cop? Geez, what do I have, a badge tattooed under my boobs where I can’t see it?” Jo-Ann made a show of looking down herself.

That got a laugh from everyone in the room, which seemed to break a lot of the tension. The group all stepped in closer. Tigermark maintained his gaze up at face level as he spoke to the red and cream vixen with the large . . . pistol in her paws.

“And you are the Healer. A pleasure, my lady.”

“Awww, quit being so formal. I’m Kelso, or Kel for short. Don’t be so shy. You can look at us below the neck. In fact, it’s part of being introduced here. You gotta look at all of us and get it over with. Now go on before we have to start really posing and teasing.” Kel crossed her arms under her ample breasts and jiggled them up at the tiger. Tigermark arched an eyebrow, and then gave a rather neutral smile.

“You are all quite beautiful, but I am both on a mission and quite happily married. I know, I know. Tani told me of your philosophy,” he said when he saw the group begin to shift into defense mode. “And your nudity doesn’t bother me. Heh, ending up in close quarters with beautiful naked femmes seems to have become part and parcel of a mission. I am not uncomfortable with your nudity or mine. However, I am told you do have children. While it may be your choice to follow your philosophy and be nude with your children, I will not. If they are present I will wear at least a robe.”

Tigermark looked around and gave a sheepish smirk. “Which I may have to borrow if my belongings don’t arrive.”

Again, the female voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. “Yeah yeah, hold on a sec. I was busy.”

Off to the side, far enough away so as not to cause concern from the Coona clan, there was a *thump* as TM’s duffle and weapons case settled on the floor. His coat, ops outfit, underwear and personal weapons were folded and laid atop the duffel. Lynne suddenly sat down and shook her head. She was trembling with nerves.

“Lynne, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Gwen went quickly to her and sat down beside her.

“N-no. I’m … I’m shaking like a leaf. This is all just too much. I know about the magic that we do, but someone appearing out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, and all the weapons, and that voice from my vision. I …”

Gwen was trying to comfort the shaken skunkette, and Kel began to do the same, gently giving her energy. Gwen heard a sound and looked around to find that Tigermark had stepped up right beside her. She grinned to herself and looked up at the tiger’s face. He looked down at her and rolled his eyes as he dropped to one knee to talk to them.

“Lynne, was it? It’s alright. I’m just fur and bones like anyone. I just have the privilege of going on missions for God. I’m here to help protect this family and this world. I will not harm any that I don’t have to, and I will stop any from doing harm to others as much as I can.” Tigermark looked around and motioned for the others to sit before going on. Lynne was feeling better, and it seemed that he was speaking only to her when he continued.

“There is a great danger that has come into your world. Not only to you, but to the children. A demon from my realm has found a way in, and he will not rest until his hatred and lust for blood burns your world to a cinder. He is not just a threat to your children, but to all children, and then all adults. What I’d like right now is to find out what you know about the group that is threatening you.”

Jo-Ann answered his request, giving a brief history of the Brethren and a rundown of the day’s events. When she was done, Tigermark stood and found a chair. Sitting down, he steepled his fingers before him and was silent for a moment. Gwen took the break to begin settling everyone’s nerves a bit.

“I think while our guest digests that information, we should secure the weapons. That is, if you all are satisfied he is who we think and is no threat.”

“Auras don’t lie. He is who he says,” Kass stated. He didn’t seem any too happy about the odd arrival, but he was certain in his declaration.

“Then, if it seems like we’ll be up a while, I’ll start some coffee.” Gwen started to turn toward the kitchen, but Tigermark motioned for her to stop.

“No, please. I’ve disrupted your sleep enough. I’m very sorry to hear that lives have already been lost here. I . . . know this demon. I need to think a bit more, and spend some very quiet time with the Boss. If we don’t stop the demon and those he has taken as followers, then the deaths of children numbering in the hundreds will only be the beginning. I’ll tell you all more about it later when we’ve had some sleep. I have a bedroll in my things, and a couch or any flat surface will be fine. I probably even have funds for a hotel, but it will be hard to safeguard you all from long-distance.”

Gwen smiled at the tiger. “Nonsense. If you are here to help assure our safety, then Casa Coona North welcomes you. We still have one bedroom not spoken for, unless somebody wants to share. The empty one is normally used for a changing room, but we can make do. It’s closest to the Master Bedroom, so that might suit your needs for now. We’ll move you into the bedroom Lynne is in tomorrow, so that’ll keep the changing room free. Unless Lynne wants to share tonight.”

That got a nervous shake of the head to the negative from Lynne. Tigermark only smiled back, and also realized that the fact that everyone was naked had already lost most of its novelty. The smile Gwen had shown, on such a beautiful femme who was naked to boot, would have sent the heart rate of most males through the roof. When TM realized that all it had done for him is to send the idle comment “What a lovely smile” through his head for a moment, he chuckled. At the curious looks from everyone, he smiled ruefully.

“Just realizing how much of an old greymuzzle I’m getting to be. Now, show me where to put my things, and I’ll bid everyone a goodnight. Again, I apologize for the disruption, and for the danger. I’ll help as best I can.”

After a general flurry of activity as Tigermark was shown to his room and everyone else headed back to bed, the house grew quiet and dark once again. TM lay there, thinking. He got up and knelt down beside the bed for a while, and then returned to bed.

“Just a simple demon snatch, TM. Tani, if you can hear me, you are in deep trouble when this is over.”

Tigermark thought he heard a distant giggle as he lay awake contemplating his next move.

# # #

Specaurious had found himself a pleasant grotto. At least to him it felt pleasant. It was on the edge of what was considered the pauper’s cemetery for the area. The residual suffering and harsh feelings that seemed to cling to the place were like a warm breeze to him. He didn’t need to sleep, so he simply rested in the rocks. He’d gone through what was probably his tenth plan to disrupt and dominate this realm when he felt a rippling disturbance in the energies of this world. Normally, he would have gone to investigate, but the ripples had a familiar feel to him.

“So the game’s afoot already. So be it. Welcome, agent, whoever you are. I’ll use your death to fan the flames of hate even more.”

The demon could tell that the entrance had been made. An agent from God had come into this world, most likely in search of Specaurious himself. The last agent he’d encountered had been very persistent, and had in the end been successful in banishing him back to the pits of Hell.

“Not this time. I’ve learned much, and you’ll have to work your way through all my minions before you reach me.The demon snickered to himself. Still, it would be a good idea to set his plans in motion as soon as possible. He would see Arlo and do just that as soon as he could catch the lion alone.

It was near sunup when the demon felt that conditions were right for him to appear to his thrall. He arose from the grotto and covered the distance to Arlo Rexonis’ property in a few seconds. He encountered the lion walking along a well-worn trail not far from a house the demon assumed was the lion’s home.

Materializing beside the lion, Specaurious greeted him carefully. “Good morrow, Good Arlo. Do not break stride, just keep walking. Only you can see me.”

Arlo nearly jumped out of his fur, but managed to keep moving. “Ah, good morning to you, Angel. You gave me a start.”

Unsure of what the sudden appearance might mean, Arlo was being very cautious. Plus, if no one else could see the angel at the moment, he didn’t want anyone who saw him thinking he was talking to himself.

Specaurious cared little whether he startled the lion or not, but he wasn’t ready to begin dominating his minion directly yet, so he tempered his reply. “It was unavoidable. I have come to relay the plan I spoke of earlier. Follow it, and the power to defeat those who persecute you will flow.”

Arlo gave an ambitious, rather nasty smile. “So it’s to be soon? Wonderful. What do you want me to do?”

The demon returned the smile. “The sacrifice you made to bring me here was well received, even though it was an inferior thing. Go and bring in ten-fold more, and do likewise with those. Consider it as though it were a down-payment for the power you seek. It will also send a very strong message of my master’s displeasure at such diluting of his creation.”

The lion’s smile froze for a moment. Then he looked a bit ashamed. “I…that is we, have only twelve furs in our number I can rely on. It will take time to do as you ask.”

Specaurious was angry with the weakness in that statement, but after a brief flash of contempt in his expression, he regained control. “Good Arlo, I understand. You can only work with what you have. Do not be concerned. My master will supply the way. Sit here on this log, and I will instruct you on how it is to be done.”

The lion sat down, and the demon looked carefully into his eyes. In a moment, the thrall took full hold, and Specaurious began to intently transfer his ideas directly to Arlo’s mind. As he worked, Specaurious began to chuckle a very nasty little laugh.

“This will certainly light the fires. Perhaps it will even bring the agent to me before it is ready.”

# # #

After the interruptions earlier, the furs of Casa Coona North were not very bright-eyed or bushy-tailed when the time came for Kass and Kel to head back to the base. Still, everyone but the new arrival was up and in the kitchen as breakfast was prepared. After the events of the night, no one needed any SBW or SBS toddies. Kass and Jo-Ann were going on duty, and couldn’t have a fully-mixed one anyway. Most were just dining on sliced fruit and toast. In his absence, their new ally was more on their minds than food.

“Well, what do you all think of him?” Jo-Ann asked as she sipped a cup of coffee. She had work to go to in an hour or so.

“I’ll give him points for being polite, and for a holy warrior, he didn’t seem too stuck on the fact that we’re naturists or magic-users,” Gwen commented. Rick nodded in agreement and picked up the subject.

“If he walked into Open Season, I wouldn’t think twice about him. He seems pretty laid-back, compared to what little I’ve heard about the name Paladin.”

Kel added her own thoughts. “I like him. I get the feeling he’d rather heal than hurt. He also was very sure about protecting your kits.”

Kass interjected. “I can agree there, Kel, but don’t get the wrong idea about him. He is calm, and very low-key, but I watched him move. He’s got more than a little skill, and he doesn’t strike me as one who would hesitate if he had to use it. The weapons that he brought, the knife, the sword, the pistol, all show a lot of use and speak of someone who is well-trained. Did you also notice all the fine scars? He’s seen a lot of action.”

“What did his aura show? I’m sure you looked at that when you first saw him.” Jo-Ann tilted her head a bit, waiting to add that to her evaluation.

“Blue-green. Yes, he has been a healer, but also a warrior. I’ve thought about it, and I find myself beginning to like and respect him. He didn’t come in trying to take over. He has a job to do, and he wants it done with as little fuss as possible.”

Lynne piped in. She’d been very quiet since everyone had awakened. “I . . . like him, too. Last night, when I was so upset, he sat down and talked, just to me for a moment. Like he was concerned, and didn’t want to scare me. When you first spoke about a Paladin, I had this thought of a knight in armor, aloof and indifferent to anything but the battle. He . . . seems to care about us, already.”

There was a general nodding of agreement around the room, and then everyone nearly had heart failure and several expletives were heard as coffee spilled on paws.

“I do care about you all. I’m not some driven egomaniac who is so focused on a mission that I’d endanger anyone without thought.”

Tigermark was standing in the kitchen doorway, already fully clothed in his ops gear and regarding them with a tilt of his head and a look that was part serious, part mischievous. Both Gwen and Kass strode up to him and spoke in near unison.

“Don’t EVER do that again!”

Tigermark looked from one scowl to the other and raised both paws in front of himself defensively. “Okay, sorry! I didn’t realize no one had sensed me coming.”

The snow leopard and the skunk looked somewhat mollified. Gwen even managed a little smile. “I guess we were a bit engrossed.”

“I for one want to know how you did it,” Kass inquired. He’d felt no magic, heard no sound, and caught no scent until the tiger had spoken. When someone with Kass’ background was taken by such total surprise, there was reason for him to be concerned.

“In my line of work, you tend to move rather stealthily out of habit,” Tigermark replied in a neutral way.

Kel opened her mouth as if to say something, but suddenly stopped with an odd look on her face. Before anyone could ask, she clapped a paw over her muzzle and bolted past the tiger with a barely mumbled, “S’cuse me!”

Everyone looked after her in curiosity. Tigermark looked at Gwen and met her eyes. After a brief second he gave a slight nod and a very slight smile crossed his muzzle.

“I just don’t know what’s going on with Kel,” Kass stated, looking a little bewildered now. “She’s been doing that a lot lately. Maybe it’s just nerves from all the publicity after the Olympics.”

Every eye turned to look with either curiosity or incredulity at the snow leopard. Tigermark couldn’t stifle a snicker, and that got Gwen going as she walked out after the vixen.

“Somebody explain it to him,” she giggled as she left the room.

For those who hadn’t figured out what was going on, the light bulb went on now. General laughter began to fill the kitchen as Tigermark extended a paw toward Kass.

“Congratulations, Kass.”

The snow leopard looked uncertainly from Tigermark, to his paw, to all the others. “For what? I don’t get it. Kel’s been sick a bit lately, but it’s just nerves or a virus, right? What do . . . you . . . mean —!”

Rick thought he was going to have to catch the feline. He stumbled backward into a chair and sat down.

“You okay, Kass?”

“Uh, yes, no, I don’t know. Are you sure? How can you know?”

“Easy there, Poppa,” Tigermark rumbled reassuringly. “I’ve got two at home. If you know what to look for, you can tell. Kelso has a glow about her, and I don’t mean her aura. I admit, she’s such a strong healer I almost couldn’t pick it up, but this bout of morning sickness confirms it.”

“Yah! Casa Coona North is gonna have another kit running around!” Jo-Ann enthused. Kass was looking distinctly stunned as everyone crowded around offering congratulations. It was this scene that Kelso and Gwen returned to a moment later. Tigermark noticed them before anyone else and walked over to them.

“Congratulations, Kelso.”

The vixen gave a sheepish nod as Gwen beamed her joy. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure, but it all makes sense after Gwen asked how long I’ve been doing that. Well, I guess what Straga Nona wants, she gets.”

Tigermark took on a curious look, but before he could ask the others realized that Kel was back with them. There followed a general bedlam of congratulations and hugs. Tigermark held his distance, smiling broadly at the cheerful scene. Kass made his way over from nearly hugging Kel to death as the femme’s began to coalesce into a group to talk, and the males drifted to the periphery.

“Uh, Tigermark.”

“Yes Kass?” Tthe tiger didn’t move a muscle, as though he were made of stone, drinking in the joy, love, and friendship the scene before him held.

“Ah, shouldn’t . . . shouldn’t this be confirmed by a doctor before everyone gets carried completely away?”

“Probably, but do you want to stop that party?” Tigermark replied and nodded toward the knot of femmes.

Kass looked at the group, and then grinned and shook his head. “Not a chance. Looks like I need to call the base and tell them I’ll be in a little late today, and call and make an appointment for Kel to see a doctor.”

“Probably a good idea.”

Kass went to make the calls while the femmes swarmed Kel. Rick gave a yawn as he walked over to Tigermark.

“Quite a sight.”

“Yep,” the tiger agreed. “Who is Straga Nona? I know what the name means back home, but I want to make sure here.”

“Well, I think the name means Grandmother Witch or something similar. She’s the Italian grandmother of a friend of ours. She’s, well, she’s been dead about three years now, but we still… see her sometimes. She told Kel, who had her tubes tied a long time back, that she could fix that and let her have ‘Lotsa bambinos’.”

Rick noted that the tiger didn’t blink or question how they could see and talk with a femme three years gone. This told him Tigermark was definitely not like the paladins of legend. They were said to go off at any hint of anything considered remotely supernatural unless it was an appearance or sign from God himself. Tigermark just smiled and waved a paw in the general direction of the femmes.

“Looks like she did what she said. Mind if I get some breakfast while they’re chatting?”

“Sure, you’re welcome,” Rick answered with a sweep of his arm toward the table. Tigermark busied himself with some toast and coffee, and then had a seat at the table.

Some time later, after the femmes had finished talking, everyone had drifted out to go prepare for the day. Jo-Ann came back into the kitchen fully dressed for work.

“So Tigermark, what’s the plan? Are you going to be a guard-in-residence here, or are you going out to find your demon before he can do more harm?”

“Definitely going hunting, This demon is too dangerous to sit back and wait for him to come to me. I do want to talk to you and Gwen about security for yourselves and the children.”

“Okay, well, I’ll call everyone in before we all take off.” The raccoon turned and walked back toward the bedrooms. In a few minutes, everyone had gathered in the living room.

Looking from face to face, Tigermark addressed the group. “I see everyone has busy schedules to keep.”

“Sure do,” Gwen replied. “I have a business to look after, Rick helps me with that and bartends evenings at a club and restaurant called Open Season. Jo-Ann works in the Narcotics unit. Kass is a naval officer. Kel is an Olympic Gold Medalist shooter, and also does a little waitressing at Open Season. Lynne is the receptionist at the law firm that handles our business.”

Tigermark nodded and then shook his head slightly. “I’ve run across everything from mercenary femmes to sun-baked cult leaders in my travels, but this has got to be the most overachieving group I’ve met yet. When do you folks find time to raise kits? Anyway, I have an idea that I want to pursue, but let me lay it out as I see it now. If I say anything wrong, please let me know. I don’t want to offend.”

Nods of general agreement came from all the Coona clan, so Tigermark continued.

“Right now, there is a grave threat to your kits. Mostly to Rick and Gwen’s. The Brethren that this demon is using will get to a point where they’ll do anything he says, but for right now, he still has to follow their playbook. That means only the hybrid kits are in danger right now. Since they aren’t here, they are probably safe at this time. The farther you can distance them from where they could be easily followed and snatched the better. You are all fairly high-profile individuals, and that makes it easier for them to follow your movements. For now, keep your eyes open. Be careful that someone doesn’t follow you to your kits. Now, while this place has some impressive wards and camouflage from second-sight and magic, it is all too easy to find if someone physically follows you home. That’s another reason I want to take this to them instead of waiting for them to come here. For now, I’d say just go ahead with your normal days. I’ll start working to find the demon and the Brethren.”

Here Tigermark took on a very serious expression. “I have a request, and I don’t make it lightly. Whoever agrees to do this will likely be in danger. I will be in the same danger. I won’t ask anyone to face anything I won’t. I need someone to be my guide. I don’t know your world, and if I take the time to learn on my own, kits are going to die for that time.”

Gwen started to volunteer, but Tigermark held his paw up. “Not the father or mothers, or mother-to-be. I will not endanger the parents any more than I’ll endanger the kits. Also, Jo-Ann, I’d like you to be my eyes and ears for what the police find out. Plus, if things get tight, and it comes down to a kit or some of the Brethren, well, let’s just say the letter of the law might not see it my way.”

Kass started to speak, but a quiet voice beside him beat him to it.

“I’d like to do it,” said Lynne.

Everyone looked at her. Protests started forming but she waved a paw for silence. “No, you all have a lot of responsibilities. They can get a temp for my job. Besides, I . . . think my clairvoyance will be useful. Tigermark, I want to help. I’d like to be your guide.”

Tigermark bowed his head to her. “I’d be honored, Lynne.”

“Now wait. If it comes to a fight, I’d be your best ally,” Kass asserted.

“Yes, Kass, you would. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say together we could take on an army, but you have responsibilities, both to the Navy and to your wife and unborn kit. Besides, if something happens to me, I want the Protector still here to keep the family safe.

Kass tried to look stubborn, but in the end he had to nod in agreement. With that, everyone said their goodbyes and agreed to meet back at the Coona’s in the evenings until the threat was gone. They all filtered out the door, leaving to start their days until finally only Tigermark and Lynne were left. The skunkette was dressed in a cowl-neck sweater and jeans, and Tigermark had forgone the duster and hardware. He had his sidearm tucked into his hold-pocket, and looked like any other tiger one might see on the street.

Lynne cocked her head to the side and gave a small smile. “So, now what? Do we go beard the dragon in his den now?”

Tigermark gave a crooked smile. “Nothing so dramatic. I need to get my bearings. I need a tour of the city with emphasis on parts where mixed-species furs are concentrated or tend to congregate.”

“One tour-guide, coming up.”

Lynne led the way out. She felt . . . alive. There was an excitement to what she was doing. She realized she would normally be scared out of her wits at the prospect of facing a demon, but somehow the tiger beside her had inspired courage she didn’t know she had. For his part, Tigermark was musing that things were, on the whole, going much better than usual. He wasn’t being held by the locals as a demon/god/invader/ghost/heretic/etc. No one had shot at him, and even though there was a palpable sexuality in the Coona household and he’d been knee-deep in beautiful naked femmes, none had made an overt pass at him. Plus, it wasn’t every mission he got to announce a pregnancy and have it be greeted in such an overwhelmingly positive way.

Lynne got in her car and unlocked the passenger door for the tiger. They secured seatbelts, and she started the car. As they pulled away, Tigermark gave a satisfied nod.

The hunt was on.

End of Chapter 2


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