A Fox’s Tale

By Joshua Fox

Susan Felin, Debbye Squirrel, Cindy Lapine, Clarence Skunk, Chris Foxx, Rodney Lapine and Wanda the Vixen are copyright Chris Yost. Zig Zag and Max the Black Rabbit are copyright Max Black Rabbit. Sabrina Mustleidae, Tabitha Mustelidae, Tammy Vixen, Sheila Vixen, Tor the Dog and Amy Squirrel are copyright Eric w. Schwartz. Lilian Bartholomew, James Sheppard, Rhonda Badger and Tamara Rabbit are copyright James Bruner. Marvin Badger is copyright James Bruner after a description by Chris Yost. Robert Fale, Veronica Salese, Melanie Turres, Joshua Fox, Jim Leard, Ralph Dix, Shawna Coon, Kris Coon, John Anderson, Wilde Cat, Aaron Cole and Tara Nadine are copyright Joshua Fox. Blue Wolfe, Veronica Sutter, Melanie Turres, Kyrin Cat and Kittiara Seng are copyright themselves. Tyler Leone is copyright Michael Mullig. Thomas Woolfe is copyright Mike Higgs.

Legal Notice: This story is copyright 2000 by Joshua Fox. This story may not be sold or used for commercial profit in any form or fashion. This story may not be modified in any way. This story may not be posted on a mirror site or any internet site without the written permission of the author. This story may not be distributed on print, magnetic, electrical or optical mediums.

Permission to use characters that are copyright other individuals was obtained prior to the appearance of said characters.

This an independent work of fiction with no connection whatsoever to any other stories or works by anyone else and does not imply any connection to the before-said sources. As far as these sources are concerned, this story doesn’t exist. They disavow any knowledge and do not officially sanction the events in the story.


Chapter 8 – What you’ve all been waiting for


Susan blinked, the voice from the seat next to her jolting her back to the present. "Huh? Oh, sorry Deb."

Debbye chuckled as she stopped at the intersection. "It’s okay. I know hearing about my trip to my aunt’s house isn’t exactly the most enthralling topic."

Susan adjusted herself in the seat so that she wasn’t sitting on her tail. She hated when it went numb. "No, it’s not that at all, Deb. I guess I zoned out again."

Debbye grinned a bit as she waited for the light to turn. "You’re thinking about that fox again, aren’t you?"

Susan couldn’t help but blush a bit. "How’d you know?"

"Gee, I don’t know," Debbye’s grin turned more than just a little smug. "Maybe it’s because you’ve been ‘zoning out’ ever since the day we met him."

Susan turned her head slightly to hide her blushing cheek. "Please tell me I haven’t been THAT obvious."

Debbye only smiled, pressing her foot to the accelerator as the light finally changed. "I’m afraid you have, Suse."

Susan shifted in her seat at the sound of those words. "I know it’s silly, but he’s been on my mind since Friday night."

"I don’t think it’s silly at all," Debbye commented as she turned the corner. "Sabby and I were with you that night, remember? Trust me, you have nothing to feel silly about."

Susan smiled dreamily as Debbye’s assurances made her think back to that night. "I got to talk on the phone with him a couple days ago. There’s something about his voice that I really like."

Debbye just couldn’t help herself. "On the phone, huh? You haven’t even gone out with the guy yet and already you’re having hot phone sessions."

Susan laughed. "Fraid’ not, Deb. I’m not into that kinda thing," Susan took on a grin herself as she continued. "Besides, I’m not Sabby."

Debbye’s eyes went wide as she stopped for another light, turning to Susan. "Sabrina is into that?"

"I can’t believe you didn’t know! Don’t you remember Chris mentioning it with that huge grin on his face?" Susan did her best to keep from laughing at Debbye.

"I thought he was kidding," Debbye was blushing slightly. "I can’t believe Sabby would actually do that."

Susan just shrugged. "Everyone has their likes, I suppose," Susan looked about as Debbye drove onward. "Where are we going?"

Debbye rolled her eyes as she giggled. "Suse, does your memory blank every time you start thinking about him? I already told you twice."

Susan nearly blushed, but was able to suppress it this time. "Sorry about that."

Debbye smiled reassuringly in response. "Don’t worry about it. We’re going to Amy and Thomas’ apartment. Because of my little cousin they can’t get any… shall we say ‘quiet time.’ So I thought since I got back a bit early from my aunt’s, I’d go over there and watch Timothy for a night."

"That’s really nice of you," Susan said, sitting back a bit in her seat. "Why am I coming along?"

Debbye shook her head slowly and smiled. "Because I needed someone to keep me company," She took a slight moment to stifle another grin. "And because when I asked you to come, you said ‘sure."

Susan held her paw to her forehead. "Sorry, Deb, I forgot again. I didn’t realize I’ve been drifting that much."

"Like I said, don’t worry about it. It’s just a good thing I picked you up. Otherwise I’d have been there all by myself," Debbye and Susan shared a kidding grin for a moment before moving on.

"Do they know we’re coming?" Susan asked as they turned onto the street where Amy and Thomas’ apartment was.

Debbye shook her head, smiling. "Nope, I wanted to make sure this was a surprise."

"I’m sure they’ll both appreciate it. Amy’s been obviously restless lately and Thomas," Susan stopped for a moment as a giggle escaped her. "Well, let’s just say it’s a bit more obvious what he’s feeling."

Debbye grinned as she parked outside the apartment building. "Yeah, absolutely nothing."

Both of them laughed hard at that, Susan more than Debbye. "Girl, I’m supposed to be the dirty-minded one. Where did that come from?"

"Well, Suse, you’re not the only one who thinks like that. Even I occasionally have an ‘impure’ thought," Debbye kidded as she removed the key from the ignition and stepped out, Susan following suit.

Susan chuckled at Debbye’s explanation. "Just better not sass me, girl. I still have to find you a decent guy."

Debbye raised an eyebrow as they started up the steps of the building. "Oh really? If that was true then why’d you snatch up that fox before I got a chance to?"

Now it was Susan’s turn to sport a smug grin. "Well, you can’t blame me now can you?"

Debbye just nodded in agreement and smiled. "Wish I could, but I can’t."

The two furs left it at that for now as they entered the door of the building.




Josh chuckled as little Timothy sat on his lap, watching the television intently. "I take it this is the first time you’ve ever watched pro wrestling, huh?"

Timothy looked up at Josh and nodded, turning his attention back to the furs grappling on the screen.

"You’re a smart little guy aren’t ya?" Josh just smiled when he didn’t receive any response. He had been showing Timothy the wonders of professional wrestling for a half-hour now, and the little fur seemed to be mesmerized. Josh pointed at one of the larger furs. "You see him, little guy? That’s the Fox. He’s the Furry’s champion."

Timothy nodded again slowly watching the screen and then tilting his head to the side. He looked up at Josh and then at the screen, then back to Josh, a somewhat quizzical look on his little muzzle.

Josh laughed. "Yeah, everyone says I look like him. Frankly I don’t see it, but then again I’m not about to argue with them."

Timothy watched the action on the screen very closely, the moves of The Fox in particular.

Josh just couldn’t help but feel amused at Timothy’s attentiveness. "Want any more of your dinner little guy? You didn’t eat all that much," He chuckled as Timothy made a face. "Guess I can’t blame ya. I wouldn’t be all that enthused at the thought of eating creamed carrots if I was your age, either."

Both Josh and Timothy’s ears both perked up as there came a knocking at the door, each of them turning to look at the same time. "They’re back already? Geez, your dad looked anxious but I didn’t think he’d be that fast," Josh picked up Timothy and carried him over to the door, going to look through the peephole before realizing that there wasn’t one.

I keep forgetting this isn’t my place. Josh chuckled to himself as he unlocked the door, opening it only to be greeted by the sight of two familiar furs. "Susan!"

"Josh!" Susan stared at him, surprised (to say the least) to see him there.

Debbye, noticing that Susan didn’t look like she was going to say anything, was the first to speak up. "What’re you doing here?"

Josh stared back at Susan for a few moments, finally shaking himself out of it and chuckling. "Sorry, I’m babysitting the little guy here," He gave a nod indicating Timothy. "What brings you two lovely ladies here?"

Susan took a moment to answer, having been staring at him for the few scant moments since he had opened the door. "Oh! Uhm… we…"

Debbye picked up, noticing Susan’s sudden inability to form a sentence. "We were going to watch Timothy so the two lovebirds could get away. Though it appears like you’ve beaten us to it."

Josh chuckled. "Appears that I have," Josh stood silent for a moment as he looked again to Susan, both seeming to be left breathless at the sight of the other.

Debbye waited a few moments before speaking again. "Mind if we come in?"

Josh snapped back to reality and laughed, rubbing the back of his neck with his paw. "Of course, please come in," Josh held Timothy as he pushed open the door for the two ladies.

Susan had kept standing silent even after Josh had moved and it took a few firm nudges from Debbye to get her to walk into the apartment.

Debbye set her purse down and turned to tickle Timothy under his chin, making the little fur shake and giggle in Josh’s arms. "How’s my little cousin?"

"Oh, the little guy’s doing fine. He didn’t eat much, bu-," Josh stopped for a moment as a bit of what Debbye had asked struck him odd. "Your cousin?"

Debbye nodded and tickled him again. "You bet. Amy’s dad is my uncle, so that makes Timothy my new little cousin."

Josh couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. "Geez, this city keeps getting smaller all the time. Does everyone around here know each other?"

Debbye looked up at Josh, a look of slight confusion apparent. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Josh laughed softly as he bounced Timothy in his arms. "First I meet up with both of you and Sabby last Friday, then yesterday I meet a Thomas, who just so happens to be Amy’s hubby, and then it turns out you’re related to Amy, too. Just strikes me a bit funny."

Debbye shrugged. "Probably just one of those things. No offense intended, but I’m a bit surprised Amy and Thomas let you baby-sit. What happened?"

"I offered," Josh grinned as he recalled the previous day. "He accepted. Poor guy was so excited he hugged me."

Debbye’s eyes opened wide as she tried to stifle a small fit of laughter. "He hugged you?"

"Yup," Josh chuckled. "He was pretty excited. Course’ I’m sure he was still worried about whether or not Amy would let me do it."

"Why do you think that?" Debbye asked, listening intently.

"Well," Josh smiled at Timothy. "Amy’s always been the protective type for as long as I’ve known her. If she’s protective of her friends, I could only imagine how she would be about her son!"

Debbye laughed as she padded into the kitchen, opening the fridge. "That’s a good point. Sabrina told me that you used to be friends with Amy, though."

Josh pursed his lips before speaking. "Well, I really wouldn’t say ‘friend.’ We basically worked together and said hi when we passed in the hallway. I’m not sure if you’d really call that being ‘friends,’ but we were friendly anyway. Um…" Josh thought hard for a moment, biting his lower lip. "Debbye, right?"

Debbye sported an amused grin as she took a soda out of the fridge. "You got it."

Josh rubbed the back of his neck again with his free paw, acting embarrassed. "Sorry, I’ve always been horrible with names."

Debbye’s smug grin showed itself after she took a sip from her drink. "You seemed to remember Susan’s pretty well."

Josh immediately turned around, finding Susan sitting on the couch. She had been sitting there since they came in, just watching Josh. She had pictured him more than a few times since they met, but seeing him again now so unexpectedly somehow left her speechless.

"I am so sorry!" Josh attempted to apologize, padding over. "I didn’t hear you."

Susan’s trance broke, startling her a bit as she replied. "It’s okay, I don’t know why I didn’t say anything."

Their eyes met, capturing the two in another moment of silence as they both shared a warm smile. Debbye had watched this and now recognized exactly what was going on. I’d better do something. She thought, moving next to Josh and sitting down in a chair.

"So, you never fully answered my question," Debbye grinned as she watched Josh jolt himself back to reality again. She found it fun to watch.

"Oh, uhh… what question was that?" Josh asked somewhat sheepishly.

Debbye let out a small giggle. "How is Timothy? He hasn’t given you any trouble, has he?"

Josh laughed hard at that. "This little guy? Never! He’s been a perfect little angel all night. Hasn’t given me one little problem," Josh’s smile turned a bit sour as a familiar odor reached his nose. He looked down at little Timothy’s expression and knew what it was. "Got another surprise for me, do ya? Here, let’s go get you changed."

Josh began to walk towards the hallway but was cut off by Debbye. "Let me do it, Josh. You’ve been taking care of him all night."

"I’ve only been here for two hours," Josh looked a bit confused as to why Debbye would want to take on the task.

"Just let me do it, Josh. You’ve already done it tonight, right?" Debbye insisted, taking little Timothy under his arms.

"Well, yeah, but are you sure?" Josh was still a bit confused.

Debbye nodded as she took Timothy from Josh and held him. "Of course, you just wait here," Debbye carried Timothy down the hall, padding into his nursery.

Josh scratched his head in thought. Wonder why she wanted to do that? He shrugged and turned around, being greeted once more by the lovely lioness he had thought about so much these past few days.

"Um, hi," Josh tried to start, feeling incredibly awkward suddenly.

Susan wasn’t fairing much better, still feeling at a loss for words. "Hi," She fell silent for a moment, then patted the couch with her paw. "Care to sit down?"

"Oh, sure," Josh quickly sat down about two feet away from Susan, his paws resting on his lap as he desperately tried to find something to say. "It’s… it’s good to see you again."

Susan‘s expression softened a bit, a small hint of a smile shining through. "It’s good to see you, too, Josh. How’ve you been?"

Josh saw the change, however slight it may have been to the naked eye, and allowed his own smile to show itself. "I’ve been doing okay. Sorry I seem so awkward, I just didn’t expect to see you before tomorrow night, much less here." Josh tried to explain, still feeling nervous.

"Well, I didn’t expect to see you here either. I was just along to keep Debbye company. She doesn’t want to admit it, but she usually freaks when she has to watch Timothy by herself," Susan said a bit more quietly, seeing as Debbye was only a few rooms away.

Josh nodded, relaxing a bit. "Ah, I see. Doesn’t mind the responsibility, she just doesn’t have her confidence built up, yet."

"Something like that. Not that she doesn’t enjoy it; she loves looking after Timothy. Debbye just gets a bit nervous at times," Susan explained as she let her shoulders sink into the back of the couch.

Josh nodded, chuckling as he rested his elbow on the arm of the sofa. "Sorry, seems like I threw a wrench into your plans."

Susan smiled. "Don’t worry about it. I’m glad I got to see you before our date."

"I am, too," Josh smiled back, finally relaxed enough not to feel self-conscious in the presence of the lioness he’d thought about so much the past few days.

The two went on from there, just talking and chatting away as though neither had felt even the slightest twang of nervousness at all.




Debbye stood in the hallway, holding little Timothy as she eavesdropped on the conversation. She sighed with relief as she heard the two start to relax, finally smiling when they began to obviously enjoy their conversation.

Thanks goodness! It took them long enough. Debbye thought as she rested her shoulders against the wall. She knew that Josh and Susan needed to spend some time together alone, otherwise Susan would have just sat there and stared for, perhaps, the whole night.

That wasn’t like Susan at all. Debbye thought, slightly confused by what she had seen earlier. I mean he’s cute and everything, but I wouldn’t have expected a reaction like that.

Debbye peaked around the corner and saw them talking. She smiled again as she saw them acting so relaxed, seemingly as though there was no trace of the hesitation they had shown at the beginning of their little chat.

I guess it’s no big deal, just so long as they don’t just stare at each other the whole time. Debbye chuckled as she looked to Timothy, cocking her head to the side as she saw him look at her a bit oddly.




"Can I ask you something?" Susan looked to Josh inquiringly; her body now fully turned on the sofa to face him.

Josh shifted his position, allowing his tail a bit more room. "Sure, go ahead."

Susan’s tail flicked from side to side behind her, showing itself as the tip appeared from time to time over her right shoulder. "Why’d you choose Trattoria Salvatore for our date?"

"Well," Josh started. "That was where Sabby took me to lunch. It just seemed like the right place to take you."

Susan nodded as her tail swayed behind her, focused so intently on Josh that she didn’t even notice Debbye come in. Josh and Susan held quiet for a few moments, but differently than before. Their eyes were held intently upon the other, both sharing a warm smile as Debbye watched on from behind them.

"Hey, you two," Debbye grinned as she leaned forward from behind the couch, taking Josh and Susan by surprise. "Did I miss anything?"

"Whoa!" Josh nearly jumped as he heard Debbye. "Oh, uhh… sorry, Debbye, I didn’t see you there."

Debbye looked back and forth between the two of them, grinning as she noticed them both blush through their fur. "It’s okay. I just wanted to ask you something," She held little Timothy up in her arms. "Has he been acting odd at all?"

Josh looked up at the little fur in Debbye’s arms. "No. Why? There something wrong with the little guy?"

"Well, he keeps giving me this weird look," Debbye explained, looking down at Timothy. Timothy just looked back up at her and raised his left eyebrow. "See, he did it again."

Josh laughed as he saw what Debbye was referring to. "That’s ‘The Furry’s Eyebrow.’ I taught him how to do it earlier after he saw, ‘The Fox’ doing an interview."

Debbye and Susan both looked at Josh for a moment, obviously confused.

Josh chuckled as it he realized why they were looking at him that way. "Sorry, I forget most females don’t watch wrestling."

"Wrestling?" Debbye looked shocked. "You were watching professional wrestling with him?"

Josh scratched his head as he looked back at her. "Yeah. What’s wrong with that?"

"He’s just a baby! He shouldn’t be watching that sort of thing!" Debbye scolded.

As Debbye talked, Timothy was looking at Josh. Timothy rolled his eyes and nodded in her direction, causing Josh to chuckle.

"What?" Debbye asked, looking down to Timothy and then to Josh.

"Oh, nothing," Josh stifled another chuckle. "But I don’t see what the problem is. Tabby used to watch it with me all the time when I babysat her."

Debbye stood firm, though. "That’s different, Timothy’s tiny!"

"Doesn’t look very tiny from here," Josh kidded. "This little guy could probably wrestle me to the ground if he felt to inclined."

Debbye finally allowed herself a small giggle, sitting next to Susan on the arm of the couch. "You know what I meant, Josh. You agree with me, right, Suse?"

Susan had been watching Debbye a bit amusedly. Debbye always seemed to overdo it when something with Timothy came up. "I guess so. I mean, what could you possibly get from watching something like that?"

"Hey, don’t be ganging up on me here," Josh jokingly stated as he put his paws up and backed a bit into the arm of the couch, chuckling. "But if you really want to see, I’ll show you."

Josh looked directly at Timothy and took on a stern expression, waiting a moment and then raising his left eyebrow high much the same as Debbye had seen Timothy do earlier. Timothy mirrored the look and threw it right back to Josh, just as Josh had shown him how to do it.

"That’s what you get out of it," Josh grinned as Debbye rolled her eyes at him.

"You’re a nut," Susan giggled, amused at Josh’s display.

Josh only smiled and opened his arms. "Hey, I gotta be me."




Thursday 6:13 P.M.

"Okay, let’s see what else is on here," Blue said as he looked further down on the clipboard he was holding. "Outfit?"

Josh nodded as he hung the clothes he had gotten from the mall over one of the hooks on his door. "Check."

Blue made a quick slash with his pen over the list as he continued. "Flowers?"

"You bet. Just picked it up yesterday," Josh padded out of the room, returning with a single white rose in his paw. "I thought she’d like this."

Blue had looked up as Josh came back in. "Why only one?"

Josh looked a bit bashful for a moment, his paw clasping the tissue paper that surrounded the rose’s stem. "Well, I just thought I’d get her one, since this is our first date in all," He paused for a moment and looked to Blue. "That’s stupid, isn’t it?"

Blue smiled approvingly at the lone flower. "Nah, not at all. I think that’s very sweet," Blue kept smiling as he checked off one item on the list. "Watch set to beep at EXACTLY seven-thirty?"

Josh checked the digital watch he was wearing and nodded again. "Check. Shame my pocket-watch doesn’t have an alarm on it, it’s much better looking than this ugly thing."

Blue shrugged after he crossed another item off the list. "Hey, what’re you gonna do, right? And now, let’s see… hey, where’s your earring?"

Josh looked back at the wolf, giving a slight flick at his ear with his forefinger. "I took it out."

"Why?" Blue asked, crossing his legs as he laid the clipboard down. "It looks great on you!"

Josh tilted his head slightly as he leaned against the closet door. "Yeah, but I don’t want to give her the wrong impression on our first date. The last thing I want is for her to think I’m some sorta degenerate."

"Please! For wearing an earring?" Blue chortled at Josh’s silliness. "Besides, didn’t you have it on when you met her?"

Josh shook his head. "Nope. That was before I found it again, remember? I’d lost the dang thing again and didn’t find it until the day after I had lunch with Sabby. I’m surprised you didn’t notice it was gone."

Blue giggled. "Well, I guess I was a bit distracted thinking of that cute leopard, but now that I’ve got his number it seems my keen eye for detail has apparently returned to me."

Josh chuckled at Blue’s not-too-surprising admission. "Good, seeing as that’s why I asked you to help me get ready."

"Well, regardless, I think you should wear the earring. It looks good on you and besides, it goes great with your clothes." Blue advised firmly, not being one to waver easily when it came to fashion advice.

Josh thought for a moment and took the small diamond stud off his dresser and placed it in his left ear, turning to face Blue again. "You sure it isn’t too much?"

"I’m sure, trust me," Blue assured him as he turned back to his clipboard. "And finally, a cute butt," Blue grinned evilly as he looked around Josh to his rear quarters. "That’s definitely a check."

Josh shook his head, stifling a small chuckle. "Ah, Blue? By any chance did you add that last one on just now?"

Blue grinned as he put the clipboard down on the bed. "Maybe."

Josh rolled his eyes as he took a look at his watch. "Well, at least I know I’m all set. What time do you think I should get changed?"

"Oh, anytime while I’m in the room will be fine," Blue half-kidded, still grinning broadly.

Josh furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms, trying to keep himself from laughing. "C’mon, I’m serious, here."

"Seeing as she’s fairly close I’d say about seven," Blue answered thoughtfully. "But if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get going."

Josh nodded and walked with Blue to the front door of the apartment. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Rob and I are going to grab a bite to eat," Blue slipped his coat on as he talked. "That way we’ll have something to do while we wait for you to get back."

Josh raised his eyebrows curiously. "And what happens when I get back?"

Blue opened the door and gave Josh his most evil look. "The interrogation! You’re going to give us every single little detail of your night on the town… or else!"

"Okay, you got it, Blue," Josh gave Blue a pat on the back as his buddy stepped out into the hallway. "But if any of the questions start getting nasty, then you guys get nothing, okay?"

Blue pouted for a moment, but his smile quickly returned. "Okay, but I take no responsibility for Robby’s behavior."

"Fair enough," Josh laughed, waving goodbye as Blue padded down the steps. "See ya!"

"Later!" Blue chimed back as Josh lost sight of him. Josh closed the door and walked back into the bedroom, waiting for the remaining time to pass until his big date.




6:47 P.M

Susan turned off the hot water and drew back her shower curtain. As she stepped out, a cold breeze swept in through the window, making her shiver for a moment before she closed it.

Brrr… it’s starting to get cold again. Looks like winter may come a bit earlier this year. She thought as she grabbed a towel and began to dry herself off. Susan was actually feeling excited about tonight, her enthusiasm renewed by her meeting up with Josh the previous night.

I just love hearing that voice. Susan purred as Josh’s words came into her mind once more. She liked the way he sounded. The flow was so soothing to hear, almost musical. Susan kept herself in thought as she wrapped the towel around her and padded across the hall into her room. She daintily sat down in front of her vanity mirror and began brushing her headfur, trying to shape it a bit before it fully dried.

Susan sighed as she thought about her chance meeting with Josh at Amy and Thomas’ apartment. It had been so nice; Josh, Debbye and herself chatting away until the happy couple returned.

Susan giggled as she thought about it. They were sure surprised to see all of us. The three of them hadn’t even noticed how late it had gotten. Luckily Timothy had been put to bed before they got home, otherwise Amy would not have been too happy. Susan couldn’t help but giggle again as she first saw the look on Thomas and Amy’s faces when they had first walked in. Thomas’ had the biggest grin that she had ever seen plastered across his muzzle, and Amy looked somewhere between absolutely exhausted and euphoric.

Susan moved the brush carefully through her headfur, keeping her eyes on the mirror to get the look she wanted. She smiled as her nose picked up the pleasant aroma emanating from her fur. She had used a special scented soap in the shower. It gave off the sweet scent of freshly cut roses and also it was the same thing she had given Sabrina to prepare for her first date with Chris.

Well, her fox liked it. Maybe Josh will, too. Susan mused as the brush continued to stroke through her hair. As she finished, she glanced over at the alarm clock next to her bed. I’d better get ready. Not too long, now.




7:00 P.M.

Josh stood in front of the bathroom mirror, giving himself a final lookover. He turned back and forth, tilted his head from side to side and inspected himself thoroughly to make sure everything looked right.

Looks like I’m all set. Josh thought as his eyes gave one last fell swoop down over him. He walked out into the living room with the rose and grabbed his keys with the other, heading out the door and down the steps to reach his car.

Josh hesitated a moment after he unlocked the door and sat behind the wheel, pausing as one last thought entered his head. Well, here we go. The thought left as quickly as it came and Josh started up the engine, going off in the direction of Susan’s house.




7:16 P.M.

"Well, here we are," Rob stated as he steered his car carefully into a parking space.

Blue looked up at the sign and nodded. "Yup, Trattoria Salvatore. This is the place," Blue checked his watch.

Rob scanned the area quickly and then checked his watch. "We’re early. Wanna just hang here until he shows up?"

"Sounds good to me," Blue replied as he leaned back in his seat. "Dang, this is comfy. Who’d you borrow this car from?"

"A guy that owed me a favor," Rob began to explain after he removed the key from the ignition. "I figured his car would be best since Josh knows I’d never be able to afford one this nice."

"Ah, I see," Blue nodded as he looked about the interior. "You wanted to make sure Josh wouldn’t be able to figure out that we’re gonna be spying on him and Susan, right?"

"You bet. Josh might not know much about dating, but he’s clever. I’ve been trying to pull a prank on him for a while now," Rob’s attention diverted for a moment as a nicely endowed vixen walked by his line of sight. His attention returned to what he was saying immediately after she left his line of sight, though, and he picked up where he was without missing a beat. "But don’t you worry, I’ll get him one of these days."

"That reminds me; you’re not still pissed about what happened at the mall, right?" Blue asked, recalling Rob’s sour expression during the ride back from the shopping center.

Rob brushed it off with a wave of his paw. "Nah, not at all. Just don’t do it EVER AGAIN and we’ll be fine, ok?"

Blue nodded, a bit surprised that Rob was so willing to forget about the incident. "You sure?"

"Yeah, s’okay, don’t worry about it," Rob was, of course, lying through his teeth. He had NO intention whatsoever of letting Blue get away with that ‘joke’ he pulled. And Rob was pretty sure Josh had something to do with it, too. I will have my revenge. Oh, yes, I WILL have my revenge.

Blue was unaware of Rob’s thoughts, however, and just sat back as he waited for time to pass. "How do you think Josh’s gonna do?"

Rob’s train of thought switched tracks for a moment, contemplating Blue’s question. "I dunno. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see."




7:27 P.M.

Josh’s foot tapped nervously as his car waited, parked around the corner of Susan’s street. He had only been waiting there for about two minutes, but in that short time, his doubts and insecurities caught up with him. Josh luckily caught himself and tried to shake them off as he saw the time passing quickly.

Okay, I know I’m gonna screw this up if I don’t calm down. Josh placed his paw on his knee to steady his foot. He breathed in and out slowly, closing his eyes and trying to clear his mind. Josh knew there wasn’t any point in worrying, but old habits die hard.

Okay, that’s better. Dang, I hate it when that happens. Josh let out a final deep breath as he opened his eyes. A glance at his watch told him it was time to pull around, and as it turned out, he pulled up in front of Susan’s apartment building almost at the exact moment the alarm on his watch went off.

Josh got out of the car and looked over the structure that stood before him. This is a nice place. He walked around his car and up the short walk, looking around at the features of Susan’s apartment building. A small, but neat yard preceding the building itself, with a fence enclosing the area behind it. It had a nice appeal to him, and he continued to look about as he reached the door. Josh checked to make sure he had the right apartment and then pressed the doorbell, stepping back and waiting for Susan to answer the door.

He took a brief moment to check the flower he held, making sure it still looked as good as when he had gotten it from the shop the previous morning. As the door opened, however, his gaze beheld something so striking that all the flowers in the word could not possibly compare. Susan stood before him in an amazingly form-fitting red dress with a skirt cut about six inches above the knee, along with a matching purse and a pair of earrings that complimented her green eyes perfectly. Josh’s eyes were fixated upon Susan and he stood silent for a short while, not taking his gaze off the beautiful lioness that stood before him.

Susan smiled as she quickly picked up on Josh’s reaction. "Hi, Josh. Right on time."

Josh blinked twice, Susan’s voice snapping him out of his trance. He smiled a bit sheepishly, embarrassed that he had been dumbstruck so quickly. "Well, I try and be punctual. Just part of being polite," Josh tried to get over his embarrassment and offered Susan the flower that he held. "For you, m’lady."

"Oh, a white rose! My favorite kind," Susan’s smile grew as she took the flower and daintily sniffed it, as much pleased at being addressed in such a way as getting the flower. She turned and placed the single flower in a vase on the hallway table behind her. "There. The water should keep it for a few days," Susan turned back to Josh, the upturned corners of her muzzle showing how much she liked it. "Thank you."

"You’re very welcome," Josh looked past her a moment to where the flower was now placed. "Um, do you always keep a vase of water there?"

Susan giggled. "No, silly, only when I have a date. Whenever I get flowers I just put them in there."

"Oh," Josh’s shoulders slumped slightly. Dang, I knew I should’ve gotten her more than one. "Sorry, I guess you’re used to bigger bouquets than that."

Susan smiled sweetly at the big fox. "Don’t worry, I really do like it. It’s nice to see someone actually put some thought into it. Thank you."

Josh’s shoulders returned to their previous position as he brightened a bit, happy that Susan liked his selection. "You’re very welcome, Susan. Shall we?" Josh asked as he held out his arm.

Susan nodded pleasantly and closed the door behind her, linking her arm with Josh’s. "We shall," She replied with a slight hint of amusement in her voice, walking alongside him to his car. Her expression grew more pleased as he held the door open for her. As she sighed happily as he closed the door on her side, moving around the front of the car to his. I think I’m going to enjoy tonight.




"No sign of them, yet," Blue reported as he looked out the car window.

Rob yawned as he rested his arms behind his head. "Wonder what’s keeping him?"

Blue tapped his fingers against his knee, becoming slightly impatient. "Beats me. Probably traffic," Blue’s eyes suddenly caught sight of a familiar car a short ways down the road. "Wait, here he is."

Rob sat up and looked out to where Blue’s attention was fixated, nodding as he confirmed Blue’s observation. "Alright. Then all we have to do is wait here for a few minutes after they go in."

Blue grinned. "Finally. To be honest I’ve been waiting for tonight all week."

"Same here. Josh’s first date, it’s a big event," Rob nodded as he watched the car pull into the parking lot.

"No," Blue grinned and looked over to Rob. "Getting to have dinner with you, Robbie."

Rob furrowed his eyebrows. "Blue, I let you come along because I knew you wanted to know how Josh’s date went just as much as I do. But I am NOT going in with you if you pull anything, got it?"

Blue pouted and folded his arms. "Humph. That’s no fun."

"We can’t let Josh see us! If he sees that we’re spying on him he’s gonna be pissed," Rob continued as blue nodded reluctantly. "So you and I both gotta call as little attention to ourselves as possible, ok?"

Blue sighed as he conceded. "Alright. It’s not gonna be easy, though."




"Allow me," Josh held the car door open and extended his paw.

Susan smiled and placed her paw in his as she got out. "Why thank you, kind sir."

As Josh helped Susan to her feet, the pleasant smell of roses suddenly found their way to his nose. "Wow, you smell good," Josh froze for a moment, his right paw slowly moving to his forehead and holding there. "Please tell me I didn’t just say that out loud."

Susan giggled as she linked her arm in his. "I’m afraid I can’t," Susan smiled as she saw the white fur covering his cheeks take on the slightest hint of a red hue. "Don’t worry about it. That’s the reaction I was hoping for."

Josh’s blushed subsided at Susan’s assurance and his expression mirrored Susan’s as he closed and locked the door. The two furs strode abreast of one another, keeping a carefree pace as they made their way to the entrance. After allowing another couple to pass them, Josh held the door for Susan, much to her delight.

As the two approached the hostess’ station, arm-in-arm, they both instantaneously noted just how busy the restaurant appeared to be.

"Wow. There’re a lot of furs here tonight," Josh thought out loud, inside thanking his lucky stars that he had made the reservation as soon as he could have.

"Looks that way," Susan agreed as they waited behind another couple who were checking their reservations. "The parking lot was packed, too. I’m surprised you found a spot so close."

Josh shrugged as he waited alongside her. "There was one closer, but someone else was already going for it. And, since I don’t feel it’s necessary to get in an accident over something as silly as a parking spot, I just took the one a couple meters down," He chuckled as another thought entered his head. "It’s amazing what some furs will do just to avoid walking a little farther."

Susan just simply had to chuckle a bit at that. "Believe me, I know. You should see some of the nuts trying to find spaces at the mall on a Saturday morning. I swear they’d rather get killed than take another spot a few rows over."

"Indeed," Josh stepped up to the hostess’ station as the other couple was led away. "Fox, party of two."

The hostess looked at the name for a moment and back up at Josh, holding a raised eyebrow for a brief moment before she signaled a waiter over to seat them. In what seemed like an instant, a pleasantly smiling otter appeared and quickly guided them to a table over in the corner. He placed a pair of menus down at each set place and jotted down their drink order, then turned to Josh.

"I will be back in a moment, Signore," The waiter bowed as he left, moving swiftly around the other tables back to the kitchen.

Josh nodded and turned his attention back to the lovely lioness that accompanied him, pulling her chair out and holding it as she sat down.

"A girl could really get used to this," Susan nearly purred as she opened her menu.

"Well, I would imagine you’d be quite used to it by now," Josh replied as he sat down across from her.

Susan looked up at him, seeming a bit puzzled. "How is that?"

Josh straightened his back against the chair, taking up his own menu. "Well, seeing as you’re so socially active, I’d just think you’d be used to it is all."

Susan made a serious effort to keep herself from laughing. "Well, unfortunately just because I date a lot doesn’t mean they’re always gentlefurs like yourself."

"Really?" Josh thought for a moment, continuing thereafter. "Well, why do you go out with them?"

Susan giggled as she leaned forward a bit. "Silly. When you date as often as I do, sometimes you have to settle for someone less than fantastic."

Josh nodded silently for a moment. "That’s a shame. Someone as lovely as you shouldn’t have to settle for anything."

Susan’s cheeks blushed, just barely hidden by her fur. "Flatterer."

" I meant every word, I assure you," Josh smiled as Susan looked up at him, both their gazes meeting and holding as they stared tenderly into each other’s eyes. They were so lost in each other that they didn’t even notice the waiter sidle up and place their drinks down in front of them.

The otter took out his pad and pencil, looking back and forth between Josh and Susan. "May I take your order, Signore? Bellisima?"

Josh and Susan were both slightly jostled, but both quickly regained their composure.

"Oh, yes, of course," Josh tried to cover by opening his menu again, quickly searching for an item that was to his liking.




Blue and Rob peered over the tops of their menus at the table in the corner. Luckily for them, they had been seated where they had a clear view of Josh and Susan and thus had been watching intently from the moment they had sat down.

"Looks like Josh is making out okay," Rob commented as he continued watching.

Blue smiled as he turned momentarily to his ferret pal. "Got that right. You see that look just a second ago?"

Rob nodded, his eyes not moving away for a second. "How could I miss it?"

"You can just tell he said something sweet," Blue’s tail flicked from side to side behind him as he watched.

"Looks like it," Rob raised his head a bit higher, trying to see around the otter that was waiting on them. "He keeps up like that and he’ll be set for the whole evening."

"Oh, you know it," Blue brought the menu up a bit high so that only his eyes could be seen behind it. "You don’t think he’s seen us, do you?"

Rob scoffed at that. "How could he? He hasn’t taken his eyes off Susan since they got out of the car."

"Good point," Blue agreed as he kept his attention fixated on the table in the corner. The pair continued their observation silently for about five more minutes, until a thought occurred to Blue. "You don’t think we’re drawing attention to ourselves, do you?"

"Nah, we’re blending in nicely here. I don’t think we’re too conspicuous. Afterall, we’re just two guys having dinner together, hiding most of our face behind menus and staring at another table…" Rob turned to Blue as something clicked in his head. "Geez, it’s a good thing Susan’s keeping him distracted."




"They’re really doing THAT badly?" Josh asked, listening intently to Susan.

"Yeah," Susan sighed. "This isn’t exactly the best year for our football team."

"Sounds like it," Josh replied, his thumb and index finger rubbing the fur on his chin. "Reminds me of the football team back at my old high school. I remember one year the varsity played the school’s JV team. Ended up losing thirty-five to zip. Wasn’t really a good year for them."

Susan chuckled at that anecdote. "I can imagine. Were you on the team?"

"Nah," Josh leaned into the back of the chair. "I’ve never been one for organized sports. Besides, I couldn’t catch a ball to save my life." Josh added with a grin.

Susan grinned back, leaning closer to him. "Ah, so not only didn’t you like organized sports, but you weren’t very good at it. How convenient."

"Isn’t it?" Josh laughed before sipping his drink. "But I just thought everyone took sports too seriously. I always just saw them as games, something to do for fun. Like when Blue and I play basketball or something like that."

Susan thought for a moment. "Oh, yeah. Sabby mentioned him that night at the ice cream parlor. He a friend?"

Josh nodded, smiling. "You betcha. He’s one of my two best friends. Him, Rob and I have been buds since high school."

"That’s nice. I actually met Sabby in high school. That’s when we formed, the Clique, too," Susan explained, really into their conversation.

"Yeah, she told me about that," Josh thought for a moment, remembering the last time he’d talked to Sabrina.

Susan sighed, suddenly looking slightly down. "I’m really going to miss her. She leaves pretty soon, and I think she’s going to start sending her things up to Chris’ place after she gets back from that adult film convention with her boss."

Josh suddenly broke out chuckling, holding his paw to his muzzle in a vain attempt to hold it back.

"What?" Susan asked, curious as to what caused that reaction.

Josh quickly regained control of himself. "I still have so much trouble imagining her working at an ‘adult’ film studio."

Susan added a chuckle of her own. "Well, she’s different than she was a year ago. Chris really took away a lot of her shyness."

"I’ll say," Josh stated agreeably. "The thing that really shocks me is that she’s going to be moving in with him. Sabby would never have even thought of that two years ago."

"Well, they say love changes you," Susan rested her paws on her lap. "I guess she’d be living proof."

"Yeah, it seems so," The conversation stalled as they looked into each other’s eyes and just stayed there for what must have been several minutes. Josh was the first to get back some semblance of thought, though his gaze never deviated from Susan’s. "Please forgive me if I stare, but those eyes of yours… there’s something about them that I enjoy looking at."

Susan smiled at Josh’s admission. "I feel the same way about your voice. I love listening to it."

Josh smiled softly back, leaning in towards Susan. "Well, aren’t we a pair."

"We just might be," Susan purred, her attentions still not averting from the fox across from her. They became lost in each other again and stayed that way until the delicious aroma of freshly made Italian cuisine found it’s way to their noses.

Josh looked up to see the waiter standing patiently beside them. "Oops, sorry," Josh leaned himself back as he realized that there wasn’t any room between Susan and himself to set the dishes down.

The otter nodded and smiled pleasantly as he set the food before each of them. Josh and Susan both inhaled deeply as the smell wafted upwards and the waiter gave another polite bow as he left to serve another table.

"This smells heavenly," Susan observed as she laid her napkin carefully across her lap.

Josh nodded, taking his fork in one paw. "It tastes just as good, trust me," Josh indicated her dish with the point of his fork. "The lasagna here was great when Sabby took me here."

"Mmmm, you’re right," Susan agreed after she had taken her first bite. "Now I see why you chose this place."

Josh smiled as he turned his fork, coiling the angel hair pasta around it. "Well, for the most part, yeah."

"Oh? Why else?" Susan questioned, taking another bite.

Josh swallowed his mouthful and took a quick sip of his drink before answering. "Well, to be quite honest, most of the other places I frequent aren’t exactly places you go on a first date."

Susan grinned as she looked across to Josh. "Like a little ‘entertainment’ with dinner, do you?"

Josh stared for a moment, his vulpine brain not quite getting what she meant. Luckily, it didn’t take too long to sink in. "No, no, no, no. Nothing like that, I assure you," Josh tried to assure her. "It’s just that most females wouldn’t think of a bar as a romantic setting."

Susan’s grin grew a bit as she heard Josh’s explanation. "Romantic? Already planning on seducing me, are you?"

Josh nearly choked on his own words as he put his paws up, suddenly panicking. "No, no! That’s not what I meant!"

Susan laughed so hard she nearly fell over. "It’s okay, Josh, I was just kidding. Somehow I don’t think you’d be the type."

Josh breathed out a huge sigh of relief, both relieved and embarrassed at the same time. "Sorry, I shouldn’t have overreacted like that."

"Don’t worry about it. I really shouldn’t tease you too much our first night out," Susan smiled again as Josh visibly calmed, the red tint in his cheeks subsiding.

Josh nodded as his own smile returned, not seeming to be able to do anything else when his attention was focused on Susan. "It’s okay. I just wasn’t really expecting that," He attempted to explain and move on.

"So," Susan continued on as she brought a forkful to her muzzle. "What exactly is this ‘unromantic’ bar you go to?"

Josh chuckled. "Well, Blue and I usually go to a bar off the highway," Josh thought for a moment and decided to correct himself. "Well, actually the bar’s inside of a restaurant called Callahan’s."

"Callahan’s?" Susan asked, continuing after Josh reaffirmed his statement with a nod. "A friend of mine works there."

"I probably know her. What’s her name?" Josh inquired, bringing his napkin up to dab slightly at the corners of his muzzle.

"Her name’s Cindy," Susan responded, setting her fork onto her plate after she had finished her last bite. "She’s a tawny, gray-furred rabbit."

Josh thought for a moment, trying to recall. "Can’t say I remember seeing here around… wait, how long has she been working there?"

"Um, I think only a short while at this point. Why?" Susan asked, pushing her plate ever so slightly to the center of the table for when the waiter came back.

"Ah, I remember now," Josh sat straight as it came back to him. "Kitty told me about her the last time I was there. She was actually hired as my replacement if you can believe it."

Susan tilted her head slightly to the side as she subconsciously followed Josh’s example, daintily dabbing the corners of her muzzle with her own napkin. "You used to work there, too? Wasn’t it a little odd working AND hanging out in the same place?"

"Yup," Josh confirmed. "That’s actually why I quit, just got too weird. From what Kitty told me, though, she’s quite happy with how Cindy’s doing."

Susan looked questioningly at Josh for a moment, trying to think where she had heard that name before. "Kitty?"

Josh chortled slightly at his own forgetfulness. "Sorry, I keep forgetting everyone doesn’t know the same furs I do. Kittiara is the co-owner of the restaurant. Officially her twin brother owns half of the place, but to be honest, I’ve only seen him once or twice the whole time I’ve been going there."

Susan intently listened, starting to feel herself getting pulled into the melodious tone of Josh’s voice again. "So, what do you do now?"

Josh swallowed the last mouthful of his pasta, stopping himself just in the nick of time from licking the sauce off his muzzle. "Well, I work security now," He began to explain, once again putting his napkin to good use around the corners of his mouth. "It’s mostly for concerts, but we sometimes do festivals and stuff like that, too."

"You like your new job, then?" Susan was curious, she’d never dated anyone who had a security job before.

Josh closed his paw and held it to his muzzle making sure to keep his chuckling to as low a decibel level as possible. "Actually, this isn’t the first time I’ve done it. Every year when the concert season ends I hop around to different jobs and see if there’s anything I like. But, nothing’s really caught my interest yet, so I keep coming back to where I started."

"Well, it’s good you have that kind of job security," Susan commented, holding her focus on what Josh was saying. "How long have you been doing that?"

"Since I was fourteen," Josh answered after a brief moment of thought. "That was actually my first real job."

Susan’s eyes widened a bit. "Fourteen? Isn’t that a bit young?"

Josh just shrugged. "Well, I looked older than I actually was and besides, I was already bigger than about half the guys there."

Susan giggled as a picture formed in her mind. "Somehow I’m not very surprised about that. Are you working any concerts coming up?"

"Yes, actually," Josh took a sip of his drink, noticing his mouth was feeling a bit dry. "I have a concert on Sunday and I’m also working a Jazz festival the following Tuesday. Why? Looking for a job?" Josh kidded, smiling at Susan’s amused expression.

"No, silly," Susan grinned, unaware she was beginning to lean her body forward again. "I was just being curious."

Josh instinctively did the same, reducing the amount of space between them to barely over a foot. "Well, I suppose that’s only natural, considering you’re a feline."

Susan’s features softened as their eyes locked for the third time that evening. They held there, seemingly lost in each other as conscious thought left them for a time. Josh never for a moment took his attention away from those beautiful eyes, his paws resting in the center of the table as he felt a paw gently brush past his. He smiled more widely but didn’t divert his attention away from Susan until his ears picked up a somewhat familiar voice.

"Scuzi, Signore," It was the waiter’s paw that Josh felt on his, and he quickly moved back so that the patiently standing otter could take the plate which he was grasping.

Josh instantly blushed again, quite embarrassed as he remained silent until the waiter had taken their dishes back to the kitchen. "We really have to be more careful about that."

Susan giggled as she watched the blush slowly drained from his cheeks. "Well, I don’t know about that."




"Did you see that?" Rob blinked, his fork frozen in place about halfway between the plate and his muzzle.

"You bet," Blue sighed, smiling as he looked over to the corner table.

Rob put his fork down onto the plate, his attention fixated upon the two furs Blue and he had been watching all evening. "He did it again. Dang, Josh has gotta focus or he’s never going to get anywhere!"

Blue turned back to the frustrated ferret. "Well, I think it’s sweet. They keep getting lost in each other."

"Nah, that can’t be it. I think he’s just allowing himself to drift off. At this rate he might not even get a kiss," Rob added, sounding almost annoyed.

Blue folded his arms and looked strangely at Rob. "Just how do you figure that?"

Rob almost scoffed as he motioned over to Josh’s table with his paw. "What girl’s going to wanna kiss a guy who keeps staring off into space while they’re out?"

"Rob, he wasn’t staring off into space, he was staring into her eyes," Blue countered, a bit perturbed at Rob’s interpretation of what they had seen. "I honestly think he’s smitten."

From that point the two fell into somewhat of a heated debate, both arguing back and forth what they thought had really happened and what they thought was going to happen. Luckily for them, both ere not the type for shouting or loud argument, so their activities were basically unnoticed by those around them. Minutes passed quickly and it was not until a quarter of an hour later when they began to cool it down.

"C’mon, you’re going to tell me that on their very first date those two…," Rob looked back to the corner table, now only finding a pair of empty seats. "What? Where’d they go?"

Blue turned also, his eyes finding the same sight as Rob. "Shoot, they must have left while you were ranting."

"Ranting?!? I was not… aw, forget it! Waiter! Excuse me," Rob waived his arms and was luckily able to grab the attention of the raccoon that had been serving them. "Can we have the check, please?"

The waiter nodded, quickly leaving and returning with a small slip of paper, which Rob quickly returned with the owed amount and tip.

"Let’s go!" Rob immediately got up and padded briskly past the foyer and through the doors, Blue close in tow.

Blue and Rob immediately checked where Josh’s car had been before they had entered, finding only one more empty space. "Dang! We missed him."

Blue kicked at the sidewalk disappointedly, but then noticed something. He focused his eyes and his keen night vision allowed him to see a familiar car heading down the street away from them. "Hey, there he is!"

Rob did a 180, turning and squinting his eyes in the direction Blue was facing. "I don’t see it."

"It’s right there at the stoplight," Blue pointed out, indicating the position with his index finger.

"Ah, I see him… yeesh, I really need to look into getting some contacts, man," Rob commented as he and Blue jogged over to the car. Rob hopped in the driver’s seat and Blue got into the passenger’s side, both snapping their seatbelts.

Blue tried to look serious for a moment, thrusting his arm in the direction of Josh’s vehicle. "Follow that car!" Blue immediately broke out giggling as he bounced up and down in his seat, clapping his paws together several times. "I’ve always wanted to say that!"

Rob rolled his eyes and started in Josh’s direction, making sure to catch up but still stay a decent distance back as to avoid detection.




"We’re back," Josh announced as he found himself parked outside of Susan’s apartment building.

"Hmm?" Susan looked out her window, surprised the time in the car had passed so quickly. "Oh, I guess we are."

Josh opened his door and got out, hurrying over to Susan’s side and opening the door for her.

Susan found herself giggling at Josh’s enthusiasm. "And just why did you hurry over to my side so eagerly?"

Josh chuckled as he held out his paw, once again allowing her to clasp it as she stood. "Well, you might have tried opening the door yourself, and of course we can’t have that."

Susan’s smile spread across her muzzle for what must have been the umpteenth time that night. "Silly."

Josh’s expression matched Susan’s as he extended his arm once more. "May I walk you to your door, Ms. Felin?"

Susan happily took his arm and looked up at him. "You certainly may, Mr. Fox."

Josh nodded as he padded forward with the lovely lioness on his arm. "My pleasure."




"Whew! I nearly lost them back there," Rob breathed out heavily as he pulled around the corner and onto Susan’s street.

"Whoa, stop," Blue said as his keen eyes picked up their fox-friend and his date in the distance. "There they are."

"Okay," Rob slowed to a halt and set the break, leaning his arm back behind the seat and fetching his binoculars. "Now let’s see what happens."

Blue nodded, but was a bit surprised as he saw what Rob was watching with. "Binoculars, Robbie? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?"

Rob adjusted the eyepieces, focusing to get the perfect view. "Hey, unlike you and Josh I don’t have supervision, okay? I wanna at least be able to see what’s going on."

"Robbie, your vision hasn’t been too good ever since we were in high school," Blue shook his head and looked back in the direction of Susan’s building. Why don’t you just break down and get a pair?"

Rob just shrugged Blue’s recommendation off and kept his attention on the scene before him. "Please, I see fine. It’s just when I look at things far off that I have problems. I don’t need a pair of glasses."

Blue chortled and that sly grin of his returned. "What makes you think I was talking about glasses?"

Rob furrowed his eyebrows and took the binoculars away as he looked down at Blue. "Hey, back off, we’re both supposed to be keeping an eye on how Josh is doing," As Rob turned forward again, his elbow accidentally jabbed the horn, causing a loud honk to emanate throughout the immediate area. "Aw, nuts, duck!" Rob said as he lowered his head out of sight, Blue following suit.




"What the?" Susan started quizzically, looking off down the street to see where the sound came from.

Josh did the same, only giving a knowing chuckle and turning back to Susan. "Looks like Rob accidentally hit the horn."

Susan looked to Josh, obviously more than slightly confused. "Rob? Isn’t that your friend?"

"Yup, that’s him," He nodded, tilting his head back in the direction of the car at the end of the street. "Blue’s in the seat next to him. They’ve been spying on us all evening."

Susan still looked somewhat confused, despite Josh’s answer. "Why?"

"My guess is that they wanted to be in the wings in case anything unexpected happened," Josh continued before returning his attention to the lioness before him. "We mess around sometimes, but we look out for each other."

Susan nodded as her smile returned to her. "That’s really nice. It’s good to have friends like that."

"Believe me, I know," Josh smiled softly as he caught sight of Susan’s beautiful green eyes.

Susan returned his gaze with hers, smiling sweetly. "I had a great time."

"Really?" Josh responded, secretly relieved at hearing that.

"Really," Susan reassured him, standing with her back to the door. "You wouldn’t mind doing it again, would you?"

Josh froze for a moment, his breath caught in his throat as he was torn somewhere between surprise and jubilation. Of course I wouldn’t mind. You… you’d really like to go out with me again?"

"Of course, you silly fox," Susan only smiled more broadly. I love it when he plays coy like this.

Josh quickly took control of himself, not wanting to look foolish by appearing too excited. He did his best to stay calm, simply play it cool. "Well, how about this weekend?"

Susan didn’t have to think, but she waited a moment just to tease him a bit. "Sounds good to me. Would you care to call me tomorrow so we can set the specifics?"

"Mind calling you? Never in a million years," Josh readily replied, smiling and giving a polite bow. "Until we speak tomorrow then, Ms. Felin."

"As much as I like the sound of that, just call me Susan," She grinned amusedly.

"My pleasure. Until tomorrow then, Susan," Josh corrected as he began to turn.

"Um, Josh?" Susan stopped him, moving forward ever so slightly.

"Yes?" Josh turned back, still smiling.

Susan smiled coyly as she looked at him, losing eye contact for a moment as she brought her paw up to her cheek. "Aren’t you forgetting something?"

Josh stared at Susan for a moment, trying to think of what she could be talking about, finally closing his eyes and stepping forward as it hit him. "Indeed I am," Susan stood still with her arms at her sides, smiling and waiting patiently as Josh came to stand with only an inch of space between them. Susan closed her eyes as she saw him bend down and lean his muzzle forward, but was surprised to feel his paw gently grasp hers and bring it up to him, giving it a gentle kiss before standing upright once more. "Goodnight, Susan. Pleasant dreams to you."

Susan stood still, holding her paw to her as he turned around and started walking to his car. She waited in silence and watched as he got into the driver’s side, continuing in the same state as he drove down the street, waving as he went, finally disappearing behind the corner. Susan’s expression held in a state of near shock as she opened the door, stepping in slowly. After she closed it behind her, she leaned back against the wall and looked down at her paw. No one has ever done that to me before.

Susan stared at her paw as she remained motionless. That felt… wonderful. Susan thought as she held her paw to her chest, her smile spreading broader and more happily than it had in a long time.

Susan breathed in deeply as she felt her heart race inside her. Oh, Sabrina can have her fox. He’s got nothing on mine.




Josh looked around the corner, making sure Susan had gone inside before he began walking across the street. He felt fantastic. He felt so calm, so serene, so much more peaceful than he ever imagined one could feel.

That was great. I was able to get through the whole evening without making a mule’s behind out of myself, Josh paused for a moment in mid-thought. Well, TOO much, anyway.

Josh was still smiling as he reached the car that had been parked on the corner. He looked in through the window, seeing his two best buddies hunched down in their seats. Josh kept himself from chuckling and just decided to give a friendly wrap on the window.

Josh knocked three times and waited. Rob slowly turned his head, looking out of the corner of his eye to see Josh standing there with an amused grin. Rob let out a sigh of relief and nudged Blue in the ribs, calling his attention to the fox looking in through their window.

"Well, looks like you caught us," Rob conceded, lowering the window on his side.

Josh grinned as he raised his eyebrows. "Well, laying on the horn for a few seconds in a quiet neighborhood like this does tend to draw attention to you."

Blue looked embarrassed, but still kept himself laid back. "We just wanted to know how things were going. You’re not pissed, are you?"

Josh laughed, waving it off. "Don’t worry about it. In fact, come back to my apartment and I’ll give you a full run-down. Okay?"

Rob and Blue both looked at each other, shrugged and looked back at Josh, each giving an affirming nod.

"Alrighty, see you there," Josh said as he turned and began to pad back to his car, which he had parked around the corner, just out of sight of Susan’s apartment.



End of Chapter 8