A Fox’s Tale

By Joshua Fox

Susan Felin, Debbye Squirrel, Cindy Lapine, Clarence Skunk, Chris Foxx, Rodney Lapine and Wanda the Vixen are copyright Chris Yost. Zig Zag and Max the Black Rabbit are copyright Max Black Rabbit. Sabrina Mustelidae, Tammy Vixen, Sheila Vixen, Tor the Dog and Amy Squirrel are copyright Eric W. Schwartz. Lillian Batholomew, James Sheppard, Rhonda Badger and Tamara Rabbit are copyright James Bruner. Marvin Badger is copyright James Bruner after a description by Chris Yost. Robert Fale, John Anderson, Veronica Salese, Melanie Turres, Joshua Fox, Jim Leard, Ralph Dix, Shawna Coon, Kris Coon, Wilde Cat, Aaron Cole, Victoria Maine and Tara Nadine are copyright Joshua Fox. Blue Wolfe, Kyrin Cat, Metal-Head and Kittiara Seng are copyright themselves. Tyler Leone is copyright Mike Mullig. Thomas Woolfe is copyright Mike Higgs. Rava Purr is copyright her player.

Legal Notice: This story is copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Joshua Fox. This story may not be sold or used for commercial profit in any form or fashion. This story may not be modified in any way. This story may not be posted on a mirror site or any internet site without the written permission of the author. This story may not be distributed on print, magnetic, electrical or optical mediums.

Permission to use characters that are copyright to other individuals was obtained prior to the appearance of said characters.

This is an independent work of fiction with no connection whatsoever to any other stories or works by anyone else and does not imply any connection to the above-named sources. As far as these sources are concerned, this story doesn’t exist. They disavow any knowledge and do not officially sanction the events in this story.




Chapter 18 – Revolutionary Revelations



Shoot. Where did Foxy hide that thing? Sheila grunted as she reached above the door, poking and prodding along the frame in search of just the right niche.

Fortunately it didn’t take long to find the object of her search, the vixen’s fingers curling around a plain-looking key and plucking it from it’s hiding place.

Goody! She bounced a bit as she unlocked the door and slowly entered the apartment, taking a cautious look around the dark living space for signs of the other foxes.

"Tammy? Foxy?" She ventured with an only slightly raised voice, waiting to hear any sign of other vulpine presence. "Anyone home?"

After barely a moment’s wait she burst in through the door enthusiastically, practically bouncing across the living room floor after she flipped the lights on.

"OOOOOH! I’m finally in Foxy’s apartment!" She squealed as she dropped her bags onto the couch, taking the opportunity to jump up and down in place.

I can’t believe I’m finally here! Sheila thought with no small degree of enthusiasm. That damn plane trip took so long I thought I’d never get here!

But she did. After landing at Colombus airport it didn’t take her long at all to get her luggage and hail a cab. Actually she didn’t even have to wave the cab down, as soon as she raised her arms one had stopped immediately right in front of her. A lucky thing, she had thought at the time, as it had allowed her to arrive at Josh’s building much earlier then she expected.

It took a minute or two for Sheila to get over her initial giddiness, taking in the space as her fantasy from the plane suddenly came to mind.

Hmph! Would have been perfect if not for that stupid dog. Shiela pouted at the thought but it wasn’t to last, MANY new and far more pleasant ones replacing it in the blink of an eye.

The apartment wasn’t exactly as she’d pictured it, but that didn’t overly surprise her, given that she hadn’t actually seen it since he had redecorated. It was nice and cozy, but with a little too much medieval weaponry on the walls for her taste.

Oh well, she thought. I’m here for Foxy, anyway. Doesn’t matter what this place looks like.

Which wasn’t entirely true, but enough to get her thoughts back on track for the time being.

Picking up her bags again she quickly padded into the bedroom, turning on the lights there as she was overcome with the urge to squeal again.

"His bed! WEEEE!" Sheila shouted before she took her flying leap, landing square in the middle of the queen-sized bed and squirming about in delight.

Her tail swatted about uncontrollably as she slipped out of her bag’s armstraps. Laying tummy down she kicked her feet and pounded her arms up and down, finding herself in the depths of a gleeful fit. Once she finally settled she rolled about to and fro on the bedspread, even going so far as to nuzzle the soft fabric and take a moment to daydream.

It was only by consciously forcing herself that she did finally rise, putting a more serious tone to her thoughts.

No time for this, Foxy could be home any minute! The vixen thought hurriedly as she opened her bag, starting to go over her plans in her head. She removed various articles of clothing and other things she brought along, mentally checking off each desired item as she found them.

CD… little negligée… perfume… robe…

She stopped.

"Wait, where’s my robe?" She thought aloud, milling through her possessions quickly and haphazardly but not finding the silken garment.

AW NO! I couldn’t have forgotten it! Sheila whined as she practically dumped out the entire contents of her bag, not finding so much as a trace of it.

Shoot. She most distinctly pouted now, her arms folded beneath her ample bosom. I wanted him to see me in that…

It was then that she noticed the partially opened door to Josh’s closet. She remembered Blue mentioning something about how cute Josh looked in a bathrobe… maybe he had one.

Can’t hurt to check, Sheila decided, opening the closet door wide and flicking through the numerous occupied hangers.

After going through nearly every single one, she caught sight of a white terrycloth bathrobe on the back hook of the other sliding door. Quickly she closed the one before her and moved around to that one, snatching the object of her want with eager ease. Or at least she tried to.

"UMPH!" Sheila grunted surprisedly as her arms drooped under the robe’s weight. "This thing is heavy!"

And big, too. Its heft quickly reminded her of Josh’s impressive size, the shoulders nearly broad enough to go around her own twice over. Still it was a robe, and she did so want him to see her in one.

Good enough, she decided as she began to shed her clothing, popping her top and unzipping the fly of her pants enthusiastically.






Josh was smiling, and smiling big. So big, in fact, that the corners of his mouth were well pushed to their natural limit.

His fingertips were tapping the steering wheel along with the tune of the music, his head nodding with the beat as one of his favorite songs happened to be playing on the radio at the given time. As it turned out, this song was VERY appropriate for his mood as well.

The fox was on cloud nine and higher, his lips even slightly tingling still from his first real kiss with Susan. Again and again he replayed it through his head, seeing himself and her on the front stoop with lips locked together… well, hers locked to his, anyway. With a bit of bashful observance he realized he had been too surprised to rightly react, frozen in his stooped over position like an awkwardly positioned statue.

But that didn’t bring it down in the slightest. It couldn’t; he was too blissfully pleased with how the evening went. Not only did it have a wonderful end; the whole of the date itself was great in it’s own right. The movie was good, the company even better. On the way to the restaurant they had chatted about the film and their own favorite Disney flicks, and in a bout of whimsical silliness they’d even done a few verses from a song they mutually agreed was a classic.

She has a very lovely voice… He thought as his eyes further mellowed to the night streets, his smile growing softer and less pronounced. Just like her eyes… heck, voice, eyes; she’s lovely all around.

Travelling just a notch above aimlessly, his thoughts then turned to dinner. What fun that had been, to have his friends there with him, even if they were attempting to be incognito. Susan seemed to like them, and he was surprised to see that Rob and she already knew each other.

He couldn’t help but snicker at that thought. It was so like Rob, he mused, to look on from the distance like that. As for Blue, well he was slightly disappointed in Blue.

"You think I’d be fooled? With you wearing that dress?" He had said on the way out of the restaurant after his friends had questioned him on the subject. "That’s the same one you wore to the Halloween party last year!"

This was true and Blue had been a little embarrassed about it. Especially considering it was in that particular dress that he had won first place in the costume contest. His wolf-friend was never embarrassed for long, though, and even as they left the giggling vulpine was already teasing Rob.

It was a good night, Josh decided with a nod as the music faded, surprised to find himself just a block away from his apartment building.

He parked where he always did, a space at the curb just before the service alley that no one ever used. He made his way to the building’s entrance, to the stairs, to his door, and wasn’t overly surprised to find that it was unlocked, but closed.

Ah, Tammy must’ve beaten me home, Josh assumed as he entered, trying not to make any noise on the off chance that she might have gone to bed.

This seemed terribly unlikely once he was inside, though, seeing just about every light switch in the apartment flipped up and bright enough that he knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. Removing his jacket, he tossed it over his shoulder and towards the coat rack, missing it by a scant inch. He chuckled as he picked it up off the floor, hanging it up properly as he turned and padded towards his bedroom.

As it turned out, he approached the door just in time to see a very familiar vixen wander out towards the bathroom, clad in his extra-large bathrobe. But this wasn’t the familiar vixen he was expecting.

"Sheila?" Josh asked as he stood in happy surprise, his arms holding limply at his sides.

The vixen for her part spun about immediately upon hearing her name, or rather hearing the particular voice saying it.

"OH! Josh, um… hi," Sheila began embarrassedly as she held the front of the robe closed over her chest, not having heard his entrance into the apartment. "How are you?"

"I’m doing fine!" Josh exclaimed with a laugh as he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug, lifting her an inch or two off her feet and squeezing her in the same friendly way he always did. "What the heck are you doing here?"

Sheila laughed right along with him as she was hugged and lifted, always having liked the feeling of his strong arms elevating her.

"To see you, Foxy," She explained as he set her down, again holding the robe closed as best she could over her chest. "Sorry if I didn’t give you much notice, but I called you from the airport while I was waiting for my flight."

"Called me?" Josh thought a moment before turning in the direction of his answering machine. "Oh! You left a message?"

"Yeah, you weren’t home," Sheila continued, putting a pair of digits to her lips to stifle a giggle. "You haven’t listened to it yet?"

"Nope," Josh replied as his paws moved to his hips. "Was going to check it when I got home, actually."

"Well, you always did like irony," Sheila noted as she started to relax a bit. She was suddenly reminded of her fantasy from the plane.

As it started out he had just gotten home… finding her in a robe…

"Besides, I like the idea that I surprised you, Foxy," Sheila purred pleasedly as she looked him over, strolling slowly over to him and making a little circle on his big, burly chest with her index finger. "Seems I picked just the right time, wouldn’t you say?"

"Yeah, yeah I guess so," Josh chuckled, looking down at her a bit curiously as she traced an outline of a circle on his shirt. "Though it looks like I interrupted your plans for a shower."

"You’ve got me there, Foxy," Sheila conceded with a smirk as she turned and moved toward the bathroom door, looking back over her shoulder at him and giving a sensual swish of her tail. "And maybe here, too."

"Yeah… uh, wait…" Josh’s brow raised at that, wrinkling as he tried to discern the comment. "What?"

Sheila remained oblivious and just grinned as she advanced across the floor and past the couch, her hips moving side-to-side in that familiar vixen walk of hers. She stopped just a few feet in front of the stereo, curling her index finger to beckon him over.

"…you want me to come over there, I’m guessing?" Josh ventured with a confused look, trying to figure out her strange behavior.

Sheila nodded and moved a few steps forward to him as he complied, guiding him over to the couch and sitting the big, burly fox down right in the center of it.

After he was seated, she returned to her previous position, taking the CD she had removed from her bag and placing it in the player’s tray.

"Uh, Sheila," Josh started, moving his paw up to get her attention before she raised a finger to her lips to shush him.

"I think a little music would be nice," Sheila announced stirringly as she hit the Play button, her tail raising itself up slowly behind her as she looked back out of the corner of her eye. "Don’t you think it’s nice, Foxy?"

"Well, yeah, I suppose," Josh said hesitantly as he looked past what she wanted him to see. "But the stereo’s broken."

Sheila stopped and looked back surprisedly, jarred out of her pleasant fantasy. "What?"

"Yeah, it’s been broken for a couple weeks now," Josh explained from where he sat on the couch. "Rob said it’s probably the connection to the speakers or something. Been meaning to bring that in to get it fixed."

"Oh…" Sheila spoke meekly as this sunk in.

This wasn’t part of her fantasy. And what’s more, now that it had been derailed she began to feel embarrassed. She was standing in front of the guy of her dreams, wearing a ridiculously ill fitting bathrobe and with no music coming from a broken stereo. She felt a little ridiculous, truth be told, but she couldn’t think of anything else to do but try and go on.

She tried to imagine the music kicking into tune, the delightful rhythms and fluid melody filling the room as the embarrassed femme stood there, her teeth closed around her knuckle in an attempt to look playful. After an incredibly awkward moment of hesitation, she began moving to what she remembered of the beat of the erotic euphony. Soon her paws were at her waist, trying to undo the white terrycloth belt that held the robe closed conservatively around her body. But it wouldn’t come undone. Looking down Sheila realized she had tied the knot in the belt too tightly, and her tugging on it only seemed to constrict it further.

As this went on her hips and legs continued to move along to the tune in her head, the lack of music severely hampering the flow of her movements, or at the very least, the quality of them. She stumbled a bit as her paws continued to tug and twist, blush rising high and hot in her cheeks as her embarrassment grew with each moment. By the time she reached the couch she was on the verge of tears, still unable to undo the robe and making ridiculous motions that no one could possibly find attractive, much less arousing.

Josh, for his part, was just trying to comprehend exactly what she was doing.

What in the Hell is she doing? Josh asked in his mind, completely and totally addled with confusion. Is she drunk?

Almost as if she could hear his thoughts she stopped and plopped down next to him on the couch, sobbing as tears sprang to her eyes.

"Oh, forget it! Just forget it!" She sniffled with her arms crossed tightly across her chest, lower lip quivering noticeably.

"Hey, hey, are you alright?" Josh blinked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, curling his muscular appendage to give her a little squeeze. "What’s wrong?"

"It’s stupid, it’s nothing," Sheila replied before flinging her arms around him, squeezing him tight and sobbing softly into his shoulder.

"Whoa, obviously something’s wrong here," Josh observed perplexedly, holding her tightly in his arms as he frowned. "Come on, you can tell me."

"It just…" She paused to sniffle, burying her face deeper into his shoulder before turning her head and resting her ear to his chest, the fur around her eyes soaked with tears. "I just wanted our first time to be special."

"Special?" Josh looked more confused than ever as he held her tightly to him, completely lost by her actions and words of the past few minutes. "Our first…"

Then it clicked. His eyes went wide, his body froze in its position and every single little thing he had observed now made absolutely perfect sense.

Oh… my… Freaking... God…



End of Chapter 18