A Fox’s Tale

By Joshua Fox


Susan Felin, Debbye Squirrel, Cindy Lapine, Clarence Skunk, Chris Foxx, Rodney Lapine and Wanda the Vixen are copyright Chris Yost. Zig Zag and Max the Black Rabbit are copyright Max Black Rabbit. Sabrina Mustelidae, Tammy Vixen, Sheila Vixen, Tor the Dog and Amy Squirrel are copyright Eric W. Schwartz. Lillian Batholomew, James Sheppard, Rhonda Badger and Tamara Rabbit are copyright James Bruner. Marvin Badger is copyright James Bruner after a description by Chris Yost. Robert Fale, John Anderson, Veronica Salese, Melanie Turres, Joshua Fox, Jim Leard, Ralph Dix, Shawna Coon, Kris Coon, Wilde Cat, Aaron Cole and Tara Nadine are copyright Joshua Fox. Blue Wolfe, Kyrin Cat and Kittiara Seng are copyright themselves. Tyler Leone is copyright Mike Mullig. Thomas Woolfe is copyright Mike Higgs. Rava Purr copyright her player.

Legal Notice: This story is copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 by Joshua Fox. This story may not be sold or used for commercial profit in any form or fashion. This story may not be modified in any way. This story may not be posted on a mirror site or any internet site without the written permission of the author. This story may not be distributed on print, magnetic, electrical or optical mediums.

Permission to use characters that are copyright other individuals was obtained prior to the appearance of said characters.

This an independent work of fiction with no connection whatsoever to any other stories or works by anyone else and does not imply any connection to the before-said sources. As far as these sources are concerned, this story doesn’t exist. They disavow any knowledge and do not officially sanction the events in the story.


Chapter 12 – That’s Gotta Hurt


"Hey, Robbie!"

"GAH!" Rob jumped straight up in his seat. The safety belt was the only thing that had kept him from smacking his head against the roof of the car. "Dang it, Blue, don’t do that!"

"Sorry, Robbie," Blue giggled as he opened the door and plopped down in the passenger’s seat. "But you looked just a little too peaceful with your chin propped on the steering wheel like that."

Rob blinked and rubbed his eyes. "What, I nod off or something?"

Blue grinned as he snapped in his seatbelt. "Yup! For at least 15 minutes. I was sitting on the curb watching you sleep."

"Blue, I’m just a little too tired to go into how creepy that is, so I’ll just let that one slide for now," Rob yawned, stretching his back out. "I still can’t believe I let you talk me into taking you shopping."

"Excuse me?" Blue shot back, his paws on his hips. "You get to wait in the car and sleep while I go in and do all the work. Oh, yeah; big sacrifice, Robbie."

"Bah. Just remember I let you use my credit card," Rob replied, still trying to shake the sleepiness from his head. "Besides, I’ve never heard you call shopping ‘work’ before."

"Well, normally, of course not. But this time we’re on a mission!" Blue stated enthusiastically, pointing his finger in the air. "If we’re going to tag along on Joshy’s next date, we need to do it incognito. So, of course, we need just the right combination of styles that will make sure that we’ll blend in, while still looking fabulous, of course."

Rob stared at him blankly for a long moment before answering. "Uh, yeah, of course. So, what’d you get me?"

"I’m glad you asked!" Blue replied excitedly, taking one of the bags from the back seat and opening it up for Rob to see. "This is the same style suit I picked out for Joshy, except this one’s got a more pale hue to the color so it’ll be less eye-catching."

Rob leaned over to examine the contents, nodding approvingly. "Not bad. Did you get the phone, too?"

Blue nodded and pointed to the bag in his lap. "Yup, same as your other one. Why’d you need a new one, anyway? Your phone was working last night when I called."

"Uh, yeah. Must’ve broken when I hung it up," Rob downplayed, not wanting to admit that he had smashed the receiver into fifteen separate pieces after Blue had woke him.

Blue chuckled smugly. "I wouldn’t be surprised, the way you slammed it down. Always have to be Mr. Dramatic, don’t you?"

"Ha! You saying that to me; that’s funny," Rob rolled his eyes before yawning again.

"And just what do you have to be tired about, Robbie?" Blue asked, throwing the two shopping bags into the back seat.

"Pfft," Rob cocked his head to side, looking at Blue from the corner of his eye as he started the engine. "Someone woke me up in the middle of the night, remember?"

"I just woke you up, Robbie. Didn’t you go back to sleep?" Blue asked as they started to back out of the parking spot.

"Unfortunately, no, I couldn’t," Rob grumbled as he checked the rear-view mirror. "I was having my favorite dream, too."

"Oh?" Blue responded, grinning as he leaned back in the seat. "Dreaming about me again, were you?"

"Ha! I got two words for ya’, Blue," Rob responded as he waited at the intersection. "They’re ‘hell’ and ‘no’!"

"But, Robbie," Blue turned to him, feigning confusion. "If it’s your favorite dream, then I must be in it, right?"

"You wish," Rob quipped back, pressing his foot gently against the accelerator and hanging a left.

"Well, in that case," Blue grinned mischievously, eyeing Rob’s right thigh. "Maybe I can do something to fix that."

Rob, in an unusual moment of calm and confidence, grinned back evilly. "Just try it. You so much as reach for anything, and you don’t get to ride with Josh and me to Furry’s."

"Hey, that’s not fair! You know my Buick’s in the shop," Blue folded his arms and pouted. "You’re mean."

"Maybe, but I’ve got the car!" Rob said smugly.

Blue kept his arms folded as he frowned. "Weren’t you supposed to return this thing today?"

"Well, yeah, but like I said last night, the guy owes me. I can have a few more joyrides before taking it back," Rob explained, checking both ways before taking a right.

"Oh, ok. So, when you going to give it back to him?" Blue asked, looking around the interior.

Rob shrugged. "Well, seeing as we can’t use the car for spying anymore, I might as well give it back to him tomorrow. No sense in keeping this thing if Josh knows what it looks like."

Blue wrinkled his brow as a thought popped into his head. "Were you supposed to call Joshy or was I?"

"Hmmm," Rob looked over as he waited for the red light to change. "I think it was you."

"Oh, shoot. I forgot to call him," Blue stated, biting his bottom lip. "You think he’ll mind?"

"I doubt it," Rob whistled as he tapped his fingertips on the wheel. "Though, Josh does get a bit anal when schedules are concerned."

"I’m not sure," Blue scratched his chinfur thoughtfully. "Well, that’s our Joshy; always the early-riser. He’s probably been up since seven just to make sure he can get everything done that he needs to."






"Yeesh, what’s taking him so long?" Rob asked, looking up at the window to Josh’s apartment. "We’ve been waiting for almost fifteen minutes!"

Blue shrugged and ducked his head so he could look out Rob’s window. "Wanna try beeping the horn again?"

"No, we’ve done that ten times already," Rob grumbled, tapping his fingers impatiently. "We keep it up and somefur’s gonna get pissed off over all the noise."

"Yah, I guess you’re right," Blue nodded in agreement. "You want to just go up and get him?"

"Looks like we’re gonna have to," Rob sighed as he took the key out of the ignition.

Both of them got out and padded up the steps to the front door. From there they quickly moved up the staircase and down the hall until they found themselves at the door to apartment B5: Josh’s place.

"You want to knock or should I?" Blue asked, turning to Rob.

"Knock? Why bother? We’ll just let ourselves in," Rob stated quite matter-of-factly. "You’ve got a key, right?"

"Well, no, but hold on a sec," Blue stopped and stood on the tips of his toes, his paws clasping the top of the doorframe.

Rob looked up, moving so that Blue’s tail wouldn’t hit him in the face. "What’re you doing?"

"Joshy keeps a key up here," Blue explained, his fingertips prodding along the frame. "I just can never remember the exact spot he hides it."

"Oh? You find it, yet?" Rob asked and watched Blue shimmy with his toes barely touching the floor.

"No, not yet. Hey, wait," Blue stopped as he felt a tiny loose piece of wood under his fingertip. "I think I got it."

Blue carefully hooked his claw underneath the wood, gently removing it and prodding the hole. "Aha! I found Joshy’s hiding place!"

Rob rolled his eyes. "Well whoppedy-doo for you. Now open the door already! We’re gonna lose our table."

"Yeesh, Robbie, relax," Blue said as he opened the lock. "You keep that up, you might start sounding like Joshy."

"I’ll relax once I get some warm food and a cold beer inside of me," Rob replied as he waited for Blue to open the door.

"After you, Robbie," Blue bowed as he opened the door.

"Well, thank you very much," Rob bowed back as he stepped into the apartment. "Geez, it’s dark in here."

Blue followed into the dim living room, taking advantage of his good night-vision. "Yeah, you’re right. I wonder why all the lights are off. It’s only six-thirty."

"Yeah. You know where the light switch is? I can’t see a dang thing," Rob said as he felt his way along the chair and over to the kitchen counter.

"Oh, sure. It’s right over here by the door," Blue answered simply, padding over and flipping the switch. He immediately looked around the room and his eyes fell upon what was, to him, a most pleasing sight.

"Ah, that’s better. Now let’s see if we can fi-, AH!" Rob jumped back as he saw what had caught Blue’s attention. There before them was Josh, sprawled out on the couch in his boxers, slumbering soundly. Even this wouldn’t have been too shocking, except for the very noticeable bulge present.

"Ah, geez," Rob averted his eyes and walked up a bit closer to the couch. "The least he could have done was put some friggin’ clothes on before he dozed off."

"You kidding? I think it was very inconsiderate to have those boxers on. Now I’m going to be thinking about what’s under them for the rest of the night," Blue said before he took a moment to think licking his lips. "Hmmm, you know, he is a very heavy sleeper. I might be able to get those things off without waking him up."

"The heck you are," Rob said sternly as he moved behind the couch. "It’s bad enough having to see one of my best buds in his shorts; I sure as hell don’t want to see anymore than I already have."

Blue grinned, his attention still square where it had been since he turned the lights on. "Oh, then it’s a really good thing you don’t come to the gym with us. I’ve gotten to see some very nice scenery in the lockeroom."

Rob shivered for a moment before moving over next to where Josh was resting his head. "I should have known. But why in the heck would you want to see anything else if you already have?"

Blue rubbed the fur under his chin as he continued observing. "Oh, let’s just say I’ve seen the stump, but never the whole tree."

Rob stopped dead in his tracks and closed his eyes, holding his paw up in Blue’s direction. "I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that."

Blue only kept grinning; his mind irreversibly focused on the current point of fixation.

Rob carefully looked him over, looking from his chest to his face. "Looks like he’s dreaming. It’s gonna be tough to wake him up."

Blue’s grin widened as a thought came to mind. "I think I can do it."

"Hey, hold up," Rob raised his paw again in Blue’s direction. "I don’t want you doing any kind of sick stuff. We’re trying to get him up, not get him off."

"As tempting a thought as that is, Robby," Blue chuckled as he moved over to where Josh was sleeping. "I have a way of waking him up without even touching him."

Rob looked at him suspiciously, but didn’t raise any objection when Blue came and bent down next to Josh’s ear.

Blue breathed in slowly and very softly let out a single word. "Susan."

Josh’s eyes instantly opened as he heard it and in a flash he was up and on his feet. "Hmmmph? Susan? Where?" He suddenly grabbed his head in his paws and groaned. "Ah, dang. Got up too fast."

After taking a moment, he shook his head and looked over at his two buddies. "Hey, you two. What’re you doing here?"

Neither responded. Rob’s eyes were shut tight and covered with his paws, and Blue seemed to be staring down at his waist with enormously big and hungry eyes.

"What’s wrong? What the heck are you guys looking a-, AH-AH!" It only took one small glance down for Josh to realize that the hole in the front of his boxers has shifted just enough so that there was no longer a bulge, but rather a significantly more revealing and embarrassing sight.

Josh immediately spun around and adjusted himself. Once he turned back to his friends, he was a slightly less comfortable, but significantly more modest sight. "Sorry about that, guys. Didn’t mean for the barn doors to swing open like that."

Rob’s eyes were still closed tightly, but his paws were at least at his sides now. "It’s ok. I’m just going to completely erase that sight from my memory and I’ll be fine."

Blue was still staring blankly for another moment or two before he looked up at Josh. "Can I see it again? Please?"

"Ah, no," Josh coughed and tried to straighten himself out as he walked over towards the kitchen. "Besides, what’re you guys doing here? I thought we weren’t going to Furry’s until tonight."

Rob’s muzzle took on a confused twist before he answered. "Uh, Josh, it is tonight."

"Oh, good, so I was right," Josh replied as he got a carton of orange juice out of the fridge. "So what you guys doing here now?"

"Uh, no, no. I meant that it was ‘tonight’ as in it is right now," Rob tried to explain before pointing to the window. "Take a look outside; it’s already getting dark out."

Josh, looking puzzled, padded over and glanced out the window. "Aw, no. Not again. Hey, Rob, what time is it?"

Rob looked at his wristwatch. "Six-forty-five."

"Aw, nuts," Josh simply stated, holding his head in his paws for a moment before looking up. "I must’ve fallen asleep after I laid back down this morning. I was only going to rest my eyes for a few minutes."

"Whoa, whoa, hold up," Rob stopped him, sitting up on one of the kitchen stools. "This morning? What time did you fall asleep?"

Josh took a moment to think. "About eight-thirty, I think."

Rob’s brow raised. "Eight-thirty? You’ve been napping seen eight-thirty this morning?"

"Uh, it would seem so, yeah," Josh confirmed, nodding slowly.

"Dang. What in the sam hill were you doing last night?" Rob asked, propping his elbow up on the counter,

"Well, I called Susan and I guess we just kept on talking right through the night without noticing it," Josh supposed, scratching the tip of his tail.

Rob’s ears instantly perked up. "Susan? Why’d you call her?"

"Well, I couldn’t remember whether I was supposed to call her that night or the night after, I figured it’d be better just to call and make sure," Josh stopped and looked up. "I’m suddenly very conscious of the fact that I’m only wearing boxers. Howz about I go get dressed and we’ll see if we can still get a table at Furry’s. I’ll meet you guys by the car in 5 minutes."

Rob nodded and got up from where he was sitting. "Ok, but you’re gonna finish that story on the way there, got it?"

Josh nodded back as he padded towards his room, only to be stopped by Blue.

"Hey, hold on," Blue said, standing astride him.

"Um, yeah, what is it?" Josh asked, puzzled look adorning his muzzle.

Blue looked down to where he had been staring before. "Can I see it again? Please? Pretty-please?"

"Ah, no, Blue. Go wait downstairs with Rob, ok? I’ll be along in a minute," Josh told him before dashing into the bedroom.






"I still can’t believe you fell asleep like that," Blue remarked as he took a sip of his soda.

"Yeah, I know," Josh nodded, resting his paws on his knees as he sat back. "I’ve never even been able to fall asleep during the day before."

"Well, a first time for everything, I guess. And speaking of which, Robbie, when are you going t-," Blue turned to find Rob’s chair empty. He pouted and rested his chin on his paws. "Shoot. Robbie isn’t back yet. I had the perfect line to make him squirm."

Josh chuckled, looking around. "Where is he, anyway?"


Josh immediately turned his head in the direction that the sound had come from. "Oh, there he is."

Rob subsequently made his way over to the table, rubbing his cheek as he sat down.

Blue chuckled as he studied Rob’s expression. "Struck out again, eh, Robbie?"

"Hey, it’s not my fault the hostess was in a bad mood," Rob grumbled, taking a swig of his beer.

"The hostess?" Josh turned back, watching the cheetah at the hostess’ station. "She seemed so sweet and gentle when we came in."

"It’s a façade, Buddy. That kitten has claws," Rob replied, rubbing his cheek for a moment longer.

"Well, just be glad she didn’t use em’ on you," Blue shot back, squeezing a lemon wedge into his water.

"Yeah," Josh chuckled. "A little twinge of pain is one thing; a shredded face is another."

"You got me there. I might just try staying away from felines for a bi-," Rob stopped mid-word as something grabbed his attention. "Well, well, well what do we have here?"

"What is it?" Josh asked as he and Blue turned to where Rob was looking.

"The white cat near the window," Rob answered, tilting his head side-to-side so he could get a better look at her. "She has got the loveliest cheeks I think I’ve ever seen."

Josh took on a puzzled expression as he looked over in her direction. "Her cheeks? How can you tell? Her head’s turned away."

"Oh, I’m not talking about those cheeks, Buddy," Rob grinned and tipped his chair slightly back, apparently to get a better look.

Josh groaned and shook his head. "Well, why don’t you go down there and use one of your lines on her or something?"

Rob kept his grin but shook his head. "No, I’ve had enough feline attention for one day, thank you," Rob stated as he rubbed the sore spot on his cheek. "I’ll save my tactics for another lucky female of a different species."

"Personally, Robbie, I think you gotta find some new tactics," Blue stated, picking up a chicken wing from the table and pointing it at him. "You keep this up and you’re going to be designated as the official Colombus punching bag."

"Hey, Don’t diss the moves, man," Rob said rather defensively. "I just haven’t had much luck lately. I can’t help it if every femme I walk into these days seems to be in ‘that time of the month’."

Josh laughed right out loud. "Ah, the ladies’ man speaks."

"Hey! I’ll have you know I could get any femme I wanted if I really tried!" Rob started off, his brow furrowed. "I just haven’t bothered taking out my full machismo yet, that’s all."

Blue snickered and nearly choked when he took a sip of his drink. "Ok, Mr. Machismo, let’s see what you got."

"Fine, then I will," Rob nodded firmly, getting back up and heading in the direction of the bar.

Josh and Blue both watched as he walked away, waiting to see what would happen.






Rob stopped just before walking up to the bar, scanning the patrons for a specimen that he deemed worthy of his full flirting prowess. He eventually zoned in on a young wolf femme at the end of the bar and coolly made his way over. He guessed she was about eighteen, and as he drew closer he saw she was slender with a very petite physique. She was wearing a ravishing strapless red dress and with a white and light blue butterfly clip in her headfur. Rob thought she seemed like just the right type to be susceptible to his charms.

"Hello there," Rob greeted her in an abnormally deep, smooth voice as he sat himself on the barstool next to her. "Mind if I sit down?"

"Oh, sure. Be my guest," The young wolf femme replied, smiling sweetly back at him.

First, I’ll start with number one. "Sorry if this seems a little forward," Rob started off, laying on the best ‘cool’ act he could come up with. "But you see, I got a peek at those eyes of yours from where I was sitting and I just had to get a closer look."

"Really?" The young femme smiled, actually blushing a tiny bit beneath her auburn fur. "Well, thank you. I just got new contacts today."

Heh. Now here’s number 2. "Well, if those contacts can make a pair of eyes as heavenly as yours, then those must’ve been given to you by an angel," Rob continued, his chest puffed up as he grew more confident.

"Awwww, you’re sweet," She cooed, her eyes starting to take on a slightly dreamy look to them.

Yes! She’s buying it! Now for the great number 3. "Well, I do my best," Rob then slowly took his paw and brushed it over his muzzle several times.

The young femme cocked her head to the side, still smiling sweetly. "Why’d you do that?"

Rob grinned, sitting up very straight on the stool and replied in the same smooth voice. "Just clearing a place for you to sit."






"AH! DANG!" Josh winced and bit his knuckle, turning slightly away from what he had just seen happen to Rob. "I don’t think that’s supposed to bend that way!"

"Trust me; it isn’t," Blue shuddered and averted his eyes, wincing just as severely as Josh.

They both sat still and silent until Rob, with a look that was a mix of surprise and enormous pain, limped back over and carefully sat down. He said nothing for almost a minute before he opened his eyes halfway and slowly opened his mouth. "Lesson for today: looks can be VERY VERY VERY deceiving."

Josh just bit his lip while Blue nodded in agreement, each feeling their own level of ‘sympathy pains’ for him.

"So… everyone ready to go?" Blue finally chimed in after a few awkward moments of silence.

Josh sighed with relief. "Sure. I’ll pick up the bill this time seeing as I made us late," He stood up, throwing down a twenty-dollar bill for the wings and drinks, then another five bucks for the tip.

Blue got up and padded over to the foyer while Josh paused next to Rob’s seat.

"Hey, Buddy, you need any help?" Josh asked, biting his lip in concern for his injured pal.

Rob shook his head and slowly stood up and, with an obvious limp, followed Josh to where Blue stood and then out the doors to the parking lot.

"You guys wait here. I’ll go get the car," Rob ordered as he limped off towards where they had parked earlier.

Josh and Blue kept watching him, each one biting their lip on occasion in a moment of sympathy.

"I think I can honestly say none of us expected that to happen," Josh commented, still watching Rob limp along towards the car.

"Well, I knew something was going to happen," Blue replied, but even I didn’t expect anything that drastic."

Josh nodded slowly. "Tell me about it. What in the heck did he say to her, anyway?"

"I dunno. We should ask him when he heals up," Blue thought out loud before turning to face Josh. "Speaking of which, there’s one important question I have to ask you."

"Sure, Buddy. Shoot," Josh turned his head towards Blue, a curious look upon his muzzle.

Blue’s attention immediateltly moved to Josh’s pants. "Can I see it again? Please? Pretty-please? Pretty-please with sugar on top?"






Josh hummed as he jogged up the second flight of stairs and then down the hall, stopping outside the door to his apartment. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out his key, still humming as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. In a brisk spin, he tossed his jacket onto the coat rack and flicked his keys onto the key hanger.

Dang. I am feeling WAY too alert and energized. I’m never going to get to sleep tonight. He thought, padding over to the couch and sliding his shirt off over his head.

Might as well get some exercise done before Susan calls. Don’t want to fall out of my routine.

"Hey, Josh!"

"DAH!" Josh jumped nearly straight up and landed tummy down on the couch before bouncing off into the floor. He landed on his back and was dazed for a moment before he lifted his head up to see a slender vixen standing over him.

"Oh, I’m sorry, Josh! Are you alright?"

Josh just kept looking up at her. Once his eyes finally focused, he realized that he recognized her.

"Tammy? That you?"







After dropping Josh off, Rob hung a left on the corner and started the drive to Blue’s apartment.

"You sure you’re ok to drive, Robbie?" Blue asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I’m fine," Rob assured him though a somewhat strained voice. "But you caught everything that Josh said, right?"

"You bet!" Blue grinned and nodded quickly. "Yay! We’re going to the movies!"

"Not together we’re not," Rob replied matter-of-factly. "He’s going to be looking for the two of us together. If we split up, we’ll be able to observe everything with only a fifty percent chance of being caught."

Blue thought it over for a minute before speaking. "But… that means we won’t get to cuddle during the movie!"

"Trust me, I’m more than willing to make that sacrifice," Rob quipped, trying to watch for the next turn.

"But, we won’t even get to sit together or see each other," Blue whined, his frown continuing to sag downward.

"What? You rather we get caught?" Rob asked sarcastically as he turned the next corner. "Do I need to remind you that Josh threatened to tear our arms off if we did this again? I dunno about you, but I like everything on my body right where it is."

Blue pouted and thought for about a minute or so. "Well, what about after the movie?"

"Whadaya mean?" Rob turned to Blue while he waited at the intersection.

"Well, you know how Josh is. He always has to eat something either during or after a movie," Blue explained thoughtfully. "Movies have always made him hungry."

"So you think they’d be going to dinner afterwards, huh?" Rob thought out loud, slowly churning it around in his head. "In that case, what say we follow them? Once we both get there and out of sight, we can decide on a new plan."

Blue nodded happily. "I like it. Just remember to wear those clothes I got you today and you should blend in fine."

"Ok, but what about you? Did you get anything?" Rob questioned, checking the rear-view mirror.

"Oh, don’t worry about me, Robbie, I have just the thing," Blue said confidently, his tail twitching underneath him.

"Well, I hope so. We can’t let Josh see us this time," Rob stated as he pulled up to the curb in front of Blue’s apartment building. "End of the line, Blue."

"Oh, great! Thanks for the ride," Blue thanked him as he opened the passenger side door and got out. He paused, leaning in the window. "You sure you’re ok? If you want, I have the number of a good doctor."

"Oh, no, don’t start up with that crap again. You embarrassed me enough when we went shopping for Josh’s suit that day," Rob reminded him, shaking his finger.

Blue giggled for a moment at that. "Oh. Come on. Joshy didn’t mean anything by it; he just needed me to keep you occupied so he could buy that book."

Rob froze for a few moments before turning towards Blue. "Josh?"

Blue nodded pleasedly. "Yup! Joshy told me what to do. That boy can be almost devious at times, I swear."

Rob’s paws gripped the steering wheel as he listened. "It would seem so, yeah."

"But, anyway, thanks again for the ride! Have a good night!" Blue said as he turned and scampered up the steps to his apartment.

Rob just sat there in front of the building for nearly five minutes without moving a single muscle. He took the new knowledge he had just acquired and thought it over… and over… and over again. Finally, he came to one single, all-encompassing conclusion.

"I should have let Blue eat him."






End of Chapter 12