“Fire On High” is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters and settings © Tigermark 2003-2006 unless otherwise noted. Request permission before using them, please.

The characters of Anatol Altaisokova and Melinda Altaisokova are my names for characters © Max Blackrabbit. They appear in this story with his permission. The characters of Brandy, Maxwell, Tonya and Zig Zag are also © Max Blackrabbit and appear here with his permission. Events and information relating to Tonya, Anatol, and their family are presented here, but are not to be considered canon to those characters or any other story but this one. ZZ Studios, and all characters associated with ZZ Studios, James Sheppard, and Marvin Badger © James Bruner and appear here with his permission. Although characters from and events referring to Zig Zag the Story appear here, this story is not canon to that one, and the author will disavow any knowledge of this story. Wanda Vixen © Chris Yost and appears here with his permission. Sabrina Mustidalae © Eric W. Schwartz and appears here with his permission. This story is not canon to Sabrina Online the comic, or Sabrina Online the Story, either. Matt Barstock and Intermountain Charter, The Bitch, and her crew © Silver Coyote. See their story HERE.  Gail Rutherford © me and is not canon to any other story involving ZZ Studios.

Chapter 39

 Getting to Know You

“I’m going to do what, when, and where?” Alex asked, his expression flickering between puzzled and a little miffed. Billy grinned and repeated what he’d said.

“You’re going to learn to fly helicopters, starting Monday two weeks from now for about a month, at Great Northern Helicopters in Lewiston, Maine. I was going to tell you two days ago, when you got back from Columbus, but we kept missing each other. I’ve been mulling over the need here in Lexington, and I’m sure the business is there, but I want an objective opinion on helicopter operations and whether they’ll fit in with Kentiger.”

Alex sighed, making another effort before giving in. “You’re sure that getting a consultant won’t do?”

Billy grinned even wider. “You know how I feel about that. All consultants ever want to do is sell you on themselves and whatever they’re peddling. I want some first paw thought and experience.”

“Why don’t you do it?”

“Hey, somebody has to stay here, sign checks and papers, and take up office space. As senior partner, I reserve that right. Besides, Rusty and his family are coming to visit right then.” Billy leaned back and crossed his arms, nodding to the latest picture to adorn his desk. It was the one of his two granddaughters, and Alex had to admit they were too cute to ignore. He knew he was licked, but he still teased his partner.

“Senior in age only, and more like senile partner, but okay, I’ll do it.” Secretly Alex thought the chance to add a rating was always a good thing, and this looked to be a nice getaway. He’d have to go to Langley for his Reserve weekend right after, so he’d have to fly Stripes One for the trip.

“Good,” Billy said, a smug look on his muzzle. He’d been sure Alex wouldn’t object too much in the end. “I have the list of materials Ben faxed me coming in by UPS. They should be here on the morning truck. Once you get the stuff, go home. I don’t want to see you here again until you’ve spent some time studying it. In fact, I don’t want to see you again until after you get back, unless it’s an emergency. Best be as prepared and rested as you can get.”

Alex was about to reply when the intercom buzzed.

“Yes Loni?” Billy answered as he toggled the speakerphone on.

“UPS just dumped a large box in front of my desk. I take it this is what you told me to be looking for? Well, it’s here, but it may take you and Alex both to lift it.” The lynx had an amused tone in her voice.

“We’ll be right out. Thanks Loni,” Billy replied as Alex sighed and rolled his eyes. Billy smirked at that.

“Such a dramatic sigh. You’ve been hanging around that actress cousin of yours too much. Let’s go see what Ben has in store for you.”

“Okay Billy, lead the way.” Alex let a slight smile show, and Billy knew that his friend was teasing about being miffed about the trip. The two tigers stood and walked out to the lobby/admin area.

When they walked in, Loni had turned her back toward them to work on her computer, but the angle of her ear tufts told them she was listening their way. A large box sat on the floor next to her desk. Alex bent down and looked over the box while Billy peered over his shoulder. Alex used a claw to carefully cut the tape on the box flaps. Inside he found several books, a couple of sectional charts, and copies of the pertinent FAA regs.

“Hmmm, ‘Aerodynamics of Rotorcraft.’ Sounds like a real page-turner.” Alex smirked, but couldn’t suppress a grin as he looked around at Billy. He’d also heard a soft chuckle from Loni’s direction. Billy tried to look stern, but couldn’t quite manage it.

“Okay, the books are here, now go hit ‘em. I’ll see you next week or so.”

Alex did his best innocent-student look. “Yes sir, you bet, sir, I’ll study real hard, sir.”

Billy grinned and waved a paw at the door. “Aww, go home!”

Alex smiled and nodded his assent. He closed the flaps on the box and carefully hefted it. “Ugh! Okay Billy, Loni. See y’all next week.”

He carefully eased his burden out the door and out to his truck. He placed the box on the passenger seat, and then got in and headed for home, resigned to several days of studying.

                                           #                                                                      #                                                                      #

Jeremy was just signing off on a new ad campaign for one of their customers when the intercom buzzed.

“Yes, Stella?” he answered.

“Jeremy, she’s here! She just walked in the door.”

Jeremy looked at the speaker, puzzled. “Who?”

“Uh, that new customer you went on about last week. The rush job on the DVD and poster order.”

Now both Jeremy’s eyebrows shot up, and his tail began to wag. “Wow! The proofs and samples for that just got done an hour ago. I was going to have you fax them and let them know we were shipping them out. Tell her I’ll be right out!”

Jeremy practically leapt over his desk and ran out the door. If this order was successful, the company might get a very nice boost in its mass-production business. He hurried down the hall, nearly bowling Jenna O’Whitt over in the process.

“Jeremy! What’s the hurry?” she asked as she pressed herself against the wall to let him rush past. He was so intent on his destination that he hadn’t really noticed the tigress until she spoke. He stopped and blinked in her direction.

“Oh! Hi, Jenna. Sorry, can’t talk now, got a new client in the lobby. Need to let her know the proofs and samples for her order are ready. Hey! Come meet her. You might end up working on stuff for her sometimes.”

With that, Jeremy was off down the hall again. Jenna shrugged to herself and continued on her way to deliver a file. She thought that it must be a very large order for the Border collie to be acting that hyper. She dropped the file in Sal’s inbox and walked back toward the lobby. Just before she got there, Jenna pulled up short. She could hear a feminine voice that didn’t belong to Stella, but the fact that the client was a femme didn’t explain Jeremy’s rush in the hallway. From what she’d seen, Jenna considered Jeremy too intent on what he was doing at the moment to be distracted by a pretty face. She stood and listened for a moment.

“— so I caught a ride with one of my employees, who was passing through here on her way to visit her family. Mia dropped me off out front, so I’ll call for a rental car when we get done, and I’ll drive home tomorrow.”

“Great!” Jeremy replied. “Anything we can do for you, please let us know. We’d very much like to become a regular supplier for your production needs.”

Jenna stepped on into the lobby, and then promptly froze in her tracks. There at Stella’s desk stood a tall femme. It took Jenna a few seconds to process what she was seeing. The femme was a skunk, dressed in a rather short-skirted business outfit with the jacket open and a rather low-cut blouse. What threw Jenna the most was the femme’s fur pattern. Instead of the usual mostly black with white stripes seen on a skunk, this femme was striped like a tiger everywhere Jenna could see. Even her tail held an unusual stripe pattern.

 Jenna’s eyes got big as she realized just who their new client was. Even now Jeremy was turning after shaking paws. He saw Jenna and beckoned her forward.

“Jenna, come meet our newest client.”

Jenna managed to get moving, her eyes still very big. The striped femme seemed to take notice of that, but then take it in stride. As she stopped in front of them, both Jenna and the skunk spoke at once.

“Jenna?”  “Zig Zag?”

Now Jeremy did a double-take between the two femmes. “You two know each other?”

After a second’s hesitation, they both answered as one.


Now Jeremy really looked confused. Zig Zag smiled at him disarmingly, her head cocked slightly to one side. “Perhaps you’d better go on with the introductions.”

“Uh, alright. Zig Zag, this is Jenna O’Whitt, our assistant IT fur. Jenna, this is Zig Zag, owner of ZZ Studios. We just did a rush setup for a production run of posters and DVDs for her.”

Jenna managed a smile as Zig Zag’s smile grew broader.

“Zig Zag, ah, it’s nice to meet you,” Jenna said tentatively.

“And you, Jenna. Alex speaks very highly of you.”

Jeremy jumped on that like a drowning fur. “Alex? Ah, you know Jenna’s brother-in-law. So you haven’t met, but you have heard of each other.”

“Actually,” Zig Zag began, stepping closer and taking Jenna’s paw in hers to shake. “We’re family.”

Now Jenna grinned as she shook Zig Zag’s paw. Jeremy looked like his jaw was stuck somewhere down around his Adam’s apple. She was still a bit taken aback to have met her cousin-in-law there at her workplace, but seeing Jeremy so flabbergasted was priceless.

“Yes we are. Zig Zag is Alex’s second cousin, which makes her my cousin-in-law, I suppose. Alex has said I should meet you sometime, Zig Zag, but I doubt he thought it would be here at work. Have you tried to call him?”

Zig Zag made a disappointed face. “Yes, I called his business, but the receptionist said he was gone for the day, and wouldn’t be back in for quite some time. I don’t have his home number programmed into my cell phone yet, and I don’t carry a phone number and address book anymore. Too many snoopy tabloid reporters always trying to see who I know.”

Jenna thought a second. This was family in front of her, no matter what she did for a living. She didn’t hesitate at all in saying what she was thinking.

“Well then how about I drive you to his place? He lives just up the drive from me, and his truck has been there for most of the past two weeks. I’m sure he’d want to see you while you’re in town.”

Jeremy spoke up before Zig Zag could answer, as she’d had an expression on her face as thought to politely decline the offer. “You could go see your cousin and take the proofs and samples with you. Look them over tonight and Jenna can bring in any changes you need on Monday.”

Zig Zag hesitated a second longer. Jenna looked sincere in her invitation, and it would let Zig Zag get to know the tigress Alex had spoken so fondly of better.

“Alright, I’ll do that. When can you leave, Jenna?”

Jenna looked at Jeremy questioningly. He grinned and replied, “As soon as we get the proofs and samples in a case for you. Jenna, I’ll pay you for the rest of the day. Take off as soon as you both are ready.”

Jenna smiled as Zig Zag nodded her assent. The skunk-tiger liked working with those who took good care of their employees.

“Good,” Jeremy said as he offered a paw to Zig Zag. “Zig Zag, I’ll leave you in Jenna’s capable paws. It’s been great meeting you, and I hope this is the start of a long business relationship. I have other things to attend to. Bye.”

Jeremy gave a slight bow and then was off toward his office. Jenna motioned for Zig Zag to follow her. Zig Zag picked up the small overnight bag she’d brought with her and complied.

“Nice guy, that Jeremy, but is he always that hyper? He seemed to be barely able to stand still,” Zig Zag asked as they walked to a side room off the lobby.

“Oh, not quite, but he was anticipating the possibility of a big order and a new client. We can sit in here while we wait for the proofs. Can I get you anything? Soda, coffee, water?”

“Water would be nice. I’m dry from the drive down,” Zig Zag answered as she put her bag down and settled herself into an overstuffed chair along the back wall. Jenna stepped out to go fill the request, leaving the door open. This allowed Zig Zag to observe her as she went across the lobby and into a storage room. She was favorably impressed by the trim tigress. Jenna seemed very genuine, without any of the false posturing that went on so much in the business world. Zig Zag would never have guessed her to have two cubs, one a teenager, the other nearly so. Normally she would approach such a good-looking femme about working for her, but knowing Alex, should she now?

“Ah Zig, you have to be you. After all, you did ask Alex, too,” she said to herself as Jenna emerged from the storage room carrying two bottles of water and walked back across the lobby. Halfway across, a harried-looking young ferret femme ran up to her with a wide, flat carrying case in paw. She gave it to Jenna, who smiled and said thank you as the younger femme bolted off in the direction she’d come. Jenna walked on back into the room.

“Here you go,” she said, giving Zig Zag one of the bottles. “The proofs are ready too. Are you okay with hanging out here while I get my purse? We can go then.”

“Sure, and thank you for the water.” Zig Zag opened the bottle and took a long drink, settling back to wait. Jenna put the carrying case down and walked back out.

She was only gone a few minutes before returning, purse in paw. “Okay, we can go if you’re ready.”

Zig Zag nodded and stood up, fluffing out her tail with a quick flip and retrieving her overnight bag. “Lead on, Jenna.”

Jenna picked up the carrying case she’d left in the room, and then led the way out to her minivan in the parking lot. She opened the door and put the case in the back seat. Zig Zag seated herself in the front passenger seat as Jenna got behind the wheel. They fastened their seatbelts and Jenna got them underway. Zig Zag remained silent, allowing Jenna to concentrate on her driving as they made their way along the streets over to New Circle Road. Once they were on the four lane, she started the conversation.

“Well, Jenna, Alex has talked about you quite a bit. He didn’t exaggerate, you are a beautiful tigress. Have you ever considered working in adult films?”

The smile Jenna had started at the compliment froze in place, and she nearly ran off the road. She managed to get control of both the vehicle and her reaction, and settled back into her lane. Zig Zag grabbed the paw rests and looked at Jenna, stunned. She’d had a lot of different reactions to that question, but nearly causing a wreck wasn’t one of them. She opened her mouth to apologize, but Jenna, eyes locked ahead on the road, spoke first.

“I’m sorry for that, Zig Zag. You caught me by surprise. Alex said in passing that you’d asked him that, and that you might ask me when we met. If you knew what I’d just been through, you wouldn’t have asked.”

“Bad experience?” Zig Zag wasn’t sure she should pursue Jenna’s reaction, so her voice was very tentative.

“Uh, sort of. Not with adult films, per se. I’m not interested, by the way. You see, our agency does the Sunburst Fur Conditioner ads.”

The light went on for Zig Zag. She’d heard about the latest lawsuit against Furfemme. She smiled and carefully proceeded.

“I’ve seen the ads. In fact, I use it, and stock it in the showers at the studio. You’re Miss Sunburst? You photograph very well. I’ve, ah, heard the Furfemme layout left a lot to be desired, quality-wise. That figures. Randy Biggs is such a little turd. He and I had a run-in several years back, when he tried to use a look-alike of me in his mag. I’ve hired several of the femmes he’s used before, and they all to the last one said he’s a total jerk! Wonder who the gal he snookered into doing the pictorial is?”

Jenna relaxed a bit, even grinning at Zig Zag’s apt description of the pug. “Her name is Kelli Killiarski, going by the stage name of Kelli Karn. She’s a young Cairn terrier, with aspirations of a career, a fur cut and a fading bad dye job. I met her when Biggs came to the office to negotiate a settlement on the lawsuit.”

Zig Zag rolled her eyes. “That sounds like Biggs’s speed.”

Jenna nodded. “I told Kelli that he was a jerk who would just use her and toss her away. I also told her to call me and I’d help her out if I could when that happens.”

Zig Zag was impressed. Here was a femme who really cared about others, even one who was causing her grief at the moment. She should have expected that. It fit with someone Alex would respect and like, as he had said when Zig Zag asked if he was interested in dating the femme after talking about her so much. He’d laughed and just said no, he wasn’t into incest, he just cared for her as a sister, outside of the fact she was his brother’s wife.

 Zig Zag nodded and said, “Well, if you’d like, if she does call, send her my way. If she doesn’t have the talent for acting, maybe I can use her behind the scenes.”

Jenna looked sidelong at Zig Zag, both wondering if she was trying to be funny, and whether it would be a very Christian thing to do, sending a young femme into the porn business. She could see no ill intent or innuendo from the skunk-tiger, and decided that Zig Zag was sincere in wanting to help if she could.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Ah, finally on the interstate. We should be there in about twenty minutes or so,” Jenna stated.

Zig Zag nodded. The two passed the time in comfortable silence, or commenting on the scenery as they headed east out I-64 toward Winchester. Once there, they left the interstate and drove out a tree-lined two lane road for several miles. Then they turned onto a paved drive. On the right, a cozy brick ranch house came into view. As they passed this house, Zig Zag could see that the drive took a slight turn and went up a shallow hill. Up near the edge of a patch of woods stood a large grey stone, glass, and wood home.

“That’s Alex’s house. I’ll park by the garage and we’ll see if he’s, ah, there’s his truck, so he’s at home,” Jenna said as she navigated the drive.

“Great!” Zig Zag was looking forward to seeing her cousin again.

When they stopped, Zig Zag got the case out of the back seat, intent on sharing the contents with Alex, to get his take and approval on them. Jenna led the way up to the front door and rang the doorbell. When several minutes passed with no response, she tried the door. Finding it open, she turned to Zig Zag.

“Looks like he might be out tending the property or running or something. He has a running course laid out back through the woods. Let’s go in and have a seat and wait for him, he probably won’t be out long.”

Zig Zag hesitated. She would never go in anyone’s home uninvited, and wouldn’t violate Alex’s privacy for anything. Jenna saw her reluctance, but only smiled and beckoned her in.

“It’s okay. Alex always told me to come in if the door was open and make myself at home if I had to wait for him. I’m sure the same applies to you.”

With a shrug, Zig Zag joined Jenna and they walked into a well appointed formal living room. Jenna pointed to a sofa along the wall, and the two sat down to wait.

                                           #                                                                      #                                                                      # 

Tia turned down the hallway, intent on reaching Mr. Lapinovich’s classroom. She had a lot of work left to do on the mystery for this month’s club digest. Her stories were in a large part responsible for it being the most popular thing published in the school, and the lapine teacher who was their sponsor wanted this one to be a real top-notch one. Most of the school was at an assembly on making career choices, but she’d been so adamant about the fact that she had already decided upon hers that she’d been excused to go work on her story.

As she walked the empty halls, she began to have a peculiar, wary feeling. She’d only felt that way one time before, when the dojo had been about to be attacked. As she made the final turn into the hallway that Mr. Lapinovich’s room was in, the feeling got even stronger. So much so that when she passed the alcove to the first classroom on the right, she wasn’t really surprised when a paw shot out and clamped across her muzzle. Another wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the empty room. She let her weight drop onto the arm that held her waist, forcing whoever held her to lean forward, but she didn’t  complete the move to break the hold or counterattack quite yet. She wanted to be able to identify who it was.

Awww, givin’ up so soon, Pretty Kitty? I thought the gal who fights gangs an’ knocks guns outta fur’s paws ‘d put up more of a fight.”

Tia didn’t reply. She was absolutely sure who her assailant was now. The male voice paused a few seconds and then went on.

“Got nothin’ to say, eh? Just as well, I wouldn’t listen anyway. Y’know, Stew kicked me outta the group an’ told me t’ stay away from you n’ them after I told them what I did. This time it ain’t for him. This is just between you n’ me, Pretty Kitty. Now, you be sure n’ struggle, at least a little. Otherwise it won’t be as much fun.”

The paw around Tia’s waist began to inch its way upward toward areas she didn’t particularly want touched. Her actions were sudden, and lightning fast. She leaned a little more forward, bending her knees and shifting their weight over her legs, bringing her assailant even more off-balance. Her left paw slapped down upon the paw that was now just below her breasts, claws out. She felt them pierce in just enough to hold firmly in the skin. Her other paw dropped down and found the spot she was targeting. Claws went through layers of cloth and firmly into fur and flesh, deep enough to tear chunks out if the fur moved, and definitely causing considerable discomfort if he didn’t. Tia briefly remembered the reaction of disgust she’d had when Sensei Quai had first made her practice the maneuver on a practice dummy, but it had gotten her over any shyness about using it if needed. Now she was firmly in control of both her assailant and the situation. The sneering chuckle that had started from Carl Branson rapidly turned into a strangled whimper. It turned into an earnest cry of pain as she nipped the web of skin by the thumb of the paw over her muzzle. The paw dropped to lay on her shoulder when she let go and increased the pressure on the paw she had below his belt. Tia’s words were like steel as she finally broke her silence.

“Carl. I figured you’d show up again sooner or later. Sounds like you’ve been listening to all the rumors going around. To bad you didn’t believe any of them, then you might not have tried such a stupid stunt. Not smart at all, you know. Now, in a second you’ll find yourself against that far wall of lockers. When you come to, run, because if I ever see you near me again, I’ll tear what I’ve got my claws in right now off and feed it to you. Good bye.”

Without further delay, Tia moved her left paw from the one around her waist to the wrist of the one on her shoulder. She crouched a little lower, released her grip on Carl’s genitals and rotated her wrist to grab the inseam of his pants. With a sudden explosion of motion, she put the training her uncle and her sensei had given her into practice.

                                           #                                                                      #                                                                      #

“Mr. Lapinovich?”

The tall rabbit looked around, ready to chastise whoever was out of their seat and calling him during the assembly. Then he saw the look of concern on Stewart Zander’s face.

“Yes Stewart, what’s wrong?”

Uhm, is Tia O’Whitt here in the assembly?”

Mr. Lapinovich frowned. “No, she was excused to work on the Mystery Club digest. She is well on her way toward the career she wants. Now, if this is about some schoolboy crush, I’ll have to ask you to return to your seat.”

“Oh no sir, it’s not! One of my friends just told me that Carl Branson isn’t in here, either. He made a threat against Tia after they had a run-in and he acted like a jerk awhile back. That’s why I kicked him out of my posse. If he finds her alone, he’s liable to do something to her.”

Upon hearing Carl Branson’s name, the rabbit didn’t hesitate. “Return to your seat, Stewart. I’ll go check on her.”

Uhm, I’d like to go, too. The whole mess started because I got laughed at by her and her friends for spouting off a dumb line at them in the cafeteria.”

Mr. Lapinovich was inclined to say no, but didn’t want to take the time to argue. “All right then, come on.”

The two left the auditorium, quickly winding their way through the hallways. As they made the final turn down the hall toward Mr. Lapinovich’s classroom, the rabbit’s sensitive hearing picked up a voice coming from the first classroom on the right. The voice was low, but had an edge to it, like spring steel under tension. Just as he and Stewart were about to reach the doorway, a loud scream resounded from the room. A fuzzy blur came flying out of the doorway. Mr. Lapinovich and Stewart stopped where they were, startled by what they were seeing. The blur came to a sudden stop against the lockers on the opposite side of the hallway. Carl Branson slid headfirst to the floor with a thud, crumpling into a heap and then not moving.

Both Mr. Lapinovich and Stewart stood open-mouthed, trying to process what they’d just seen. Before either could move, Tia O’Whitt walked nonchalantly out of the classroom doorway, picking loose fur out of her claws. She looked surprised to see them for not quite a second, and then her eyes settled into a cool feline stare.

“What?” she said with a slight arch of one eyebrow. When neither male said anything, she turned and walked down the hall. She made the turn into Mr. Lapinovich’s classroom, sparing them a glance as she went.

Stewart was the first to recover. He looked at the lapine teacher, who was beginning to shake his head and trying not to smile. The young wolf could only say one thing.


                                              #                                                                      #                                                                       #

Alex felt his eyes cross for the second time in the last half-hour. He’d spent most of the last two weeks studying, and he still felt he barely had a good grasp on the information. He would leave for Maine in the morning, and he still needed to do his preliminary flight planning. That task he could put off until early evening.

He rubbed the bridge of his muzzle, and decided he needed to take a break.  He stood and made his way into the kitchen. A large glass of water later, Alex felt only marginally more alert. He felt stiff from sitting so much, and the long flight to Maine wouldn’t help that any. He thought for several seconds, and then went to his bedroom and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. From there he went out the back door and walked the short distance to the gate that led to the woods. He owned several acres of the woods, and Alex had carved out a good running course there.

Alex took time to stretch well before starting, and then set off at a fast jog. As he began to wind his way down the trail, he could feel his mind relaxing into the pure physical activity.

A half-hour later, he returned to the gate. He’d run fairly hard, and was breathing fairly heavily. He’d sweated most of the cobwebs and stiffness out, and felt a bit better. As he went though the gate and down to deck and the back door, Alex felt the information he’d taken in on helicopters was starting to gel in his mind.

When Alex opened the door, the draft caused him to get a whiff of himself. He wrinkled his nose up and blinked.

“I think a shower before either flight planning or studying anymore would be a good idea,” he muttered to himself. The laundry room was just off the back door entrance, so Alex stepped in there and peeled off his sweaty clothing. He placed them in the basket to be washed later, and since he was heading straight for the shower, he put his boxers in, too.

Stretching again, he then set off for the bathroom, anticipating a hot shower.

End of Chapter 39


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