
F.A.Q. & N.A.Q.

© 2002 Christian "Nameless" Schimkowitsch

Frequently Asked Questions & Never Asked Questions aka. The things you never wanted to know about.

Time line and Story Interaction.
My, do the characters always act that weird?

Time line and Story Interaction

As said elsewhere, this story is independent of any of the other stories in the Sabbyverse. The events of this story do not affect any other story, unless the author of that story wants them to. I have no problems if you write incorporate events from this story into yours, but I want to know about it. I will write up rules on how my characters can be used later, in the meantime get my express permission before you use them.

This story starts in February of 2003.

How does this story interact with the other Sabbyverse stories, as far as this story is concerned?

I am basing this story mainly on the events in "Zig Zag" by James Bruner, "Sabrina Online - The Story" by Chris Yost and "Gone Wylde" by Clint McInnes.

Which version of the other Sabbyverse characters is used here?

Sabrina: This is her as she ends up in "Gone Wylde". That is she does not suffer from Endometriosis and will have five kits.
Zig Zag: This is her from "Zig Zag" by James Bruner.

My, do the characters always act that weird?

Well, sometimes they do act in ways that are illogical or seem contrived.

This mostly happens when I have a certain outcome of an event in mind that is required later on in the story and my writing skills and imagination are not up to the task of going from here to there without taking an illogical shortcut.

My muse and I would like to apologize to my cast and to anybody reading this for the inconvenience and confusion this may cause.

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