Blue Flames by Stacy Harms

By: Stacy Harms


Chapter 11



            Covan stood and grabbed his shirt from the boulder and walked up next to Heli's side as she pulled her body into the shallows of the pool. He stood waiting for me to join him.

            I walked over and looked up at her neck, trying to figure out how to get up when she lowered her wing for me to use as a step and Covan held my waist as I stepped up on her strong leathery wing and was lifted to her neck.

She had thick scales that over lapped and made it possible for me to hold on while we where riding.

            Covan stepped up on her wing next and when he got both feet on her wind Heli launched  him up in the air playfully and he landed belly first behind my murmuring a response at her, that I couldn’t really hear, but what made Heli laugh.

            She backed up into the waterfall after Covan readjusted himself behind me wrapping his arms around my middle so he could hold on and keep me secure.

She walked threw the pool her back high above the water as she walked to the shore and to a big pasture next to it.

She spread her wings to the fullest and then beat flapped them in powerful once again hovering above the ground for a second before lifting higher and higher above the ground into the clouds, Covan squeezing my middle and my heart beat faster, I would of thought this would of been terrifying but it seemed as if I had done this everyday of my life.

            Heli stayed in the air for a minute as I looked over the massive territory from the high place in the air. As soon as I had my fill she seemed to of known and lunged forward flying expertly weaving in and out of the clouds making me laugh and soon I no longer held on, instead I stretched my arms out as if they were wings to enjoying the air whipping around them and the freedom of the skies, as she moved so did I like I was the Dragon instead of her.

            She glided over a lake her legs almost touching the surface as it reflected us; I leaned over to see myself on Heli, my hair unbounded and Covan with his arms around me and myself on top of a dragon. I wasn’t the same person that I was only a week ago. I use to be shy and confused, never speaking up for myself and always cowering away. But now I was I was with Covan and on the neck of Heli flying around.

I was going to meet my real mother and learn to control my natural powers. And in just one day I had fallen in love a few days after my 16th birthday.

            What a present, to be dragged behind a horse and nearly scared to death, though being left alone in that cottage would have been nearly the same compared to my life now.

            Heli flew into a huge orchard with fruit trees as large as her growing with their fragrant fruit and many colorful flowers scattered the ground. She lifted back up and headed for the courtyard in front of the castle.

            We landed and Covan jumped down happy to be on the ground and I jumped off after him walking to Heli's head and touching her huge cheek.

"Thank you." I said so only she could hear me and she bowed her head at me. "Dinners almost ready." she said looking at Covan who muttered to himself before nodding she glanced at me and winked before going threw the giant doorway on the castle, her body not even close to the walls.

            I thought of the woods with the phantom. Who had shot the arrow and freed me, was it Covan? Was it his arrow that left the mark in the sky and who brought me to Saka? I looked around and didn't see his bow anywhere.

"Covan, where’s your bow?" I asked as he walked towards me dry as a bone from the flight.

"With my pack." He said looking around for danger "why?" He said when he saw no threat.

"I was just thinking of in the wood with the phantom. Was it you that shot the pendent" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, that was the knight Stagmaro." Covan said and I recalled tales of the knight from my former father.

"He's the one that brought you to Saka and sent word for me to hurry home." Covan said and I touched my emerald thinking, "you know him?" I said my eyes glowing at the thought of my childhood hero.

"Ya." Covan said turning and looking off towards the far away mountains his back to me but I knew he frowned.

"What?" I said walking up to him and bumping him with my side, Covan looked off blankly "it’s just that he told Saka that he would one day court you." Covan said hurt in his eyes.

"Who said I would accept from him?" I said walking in front of Covan he looked up at me dazed. "Because it would be more acceptable, him being royalty like you." I stopped him, "it doesn’t matter what he is because he's not you." I said my emerald glowing a dark green.

            Covan pulled me close putting his chin on the top of my head as I rested mine against his heart. "I love you." He said in a whisper and I put my hand on his heart and repeated it back to him.




This story is copyright 2005 by Stacy Harms. All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed for a fee except by permission of the author, and this copyright notice may not be removed.