Time Machine Blooopers, Blunders, and Outtakes


What would a live show be like without an intense booper blooper reel to make even the smoldering smoothies smoothest of shows seem about as pumpy dumpy bumpy as a dirt road leading over the hills and far away to Grammather Gammother Grandmaster Grandmother's house we blow go.

Please note that these recordings are from 2004-2005 when the show was in its first year of broadcasting, so these recordings aren't of the best quality, and the voice talent may not be like what they are to this day and age. Enjoy these samplings of the astounding fact that no matter how good or bad a show is (or was) (or will be) (or won't be available until a million years from now) there'll always be bloopers waiting to spring out and make the entire world burst into hysterics.

Brandish Mountain - The forthcoming novel "Brandish Mountain" had quite a few mistakes and memorable moments captured on a compilation of constant corrections during the reading of this audio book.

Time Machine Blunders #1

Time Machine Blunders #2

Time Machine Blunders #3 - Warning: People with heart conditions, a fear of the dark, monsters in their closets, and who are easily provoked by their own nightmares should not listen to this one. In other words, this one was compiled and released in time for Halloween 2005.

Time Machine Blunders #4

Time Machine Blunders #5

Time Machine Blunders #6

Time Machine Blunders #7