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Greetings, wanderer, you have found your way into the Maze of Artistry, where you can admire the works sent to me by a lot of talented people.
There is nothing noteworthy to see on this page yet. I hope this will change someday in the future.

Story submissions can be done in a variety of types (ASCII, RTF, Word, HTML, TeX or LaTeX) and might be reformatted prior to posting.

Picture submissions can be done in most common formats, but preferably in JPEG (don't compress too much, please). Take note that I will convert your entry to JPEG (or GIF if it's greyscale), and that it will take longer to actually post them.

If a story or picture is of really bad quality, or contains objectionable content, I will return it to you with a reason why I didn't accept it.

This site is © 2003 by Johan Van Kerckhoven